Executive Summary
The statutory basis for the Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland is provided by Section 7 of the Prisons (Scotland) Act 1989, as amended by the Scotland Act 1998, and particularly the requirement to submit an Annual Report, which is laid before the Scottish Parliament and published.
It is the duty of the Chief Inspector to inspect or arrange for the inspection of prisons in Scotland and to report to the Scottish Ministers on them. Each of Scotland's 16 penal establishments currently receives a full formal inspection, on a cyclical basis, every 3-4 years. Full inspections take between a week and a fortnight depending on the size and complexity of the establishment, during which all aspects of the establishment are examined from the point of view of safety, decency, and the establishment's contribution to crime prevention. Security, discipline, control and efficiency are also examined. The Inspectorate also takes account of requirements, policies and concepts applying to the Scottish Prison Service.
Inspection reports aim to give a balanced account of conditions in the establishment, reflecting good practice and areas for improvement, as they are found.
When completed, the reports are sent directly to Scottish Ministers and are not subject to negotiation with Governors or the Scottish Prison Service. In due course, a Ministerial response is normally published along with the report. The Chief Inspector has no executive powers but is able to draw Ministers' attention to any aspects of a penal establishment which call for comment, whilst the publicity which the Chief Inspector's reports attract can be an instrument for change.
Full inspection reports are followed up in subsequent years by intermediate inspections, and these are sent to the Governor and to the Chief Executive of the Scottish Prison Service. The Inspectorate also undertakes occasional studies on a theme common to all or several penal establishments.
The Chief Inspector receives professional support from 2 senior Governors from the Scottish Prison Service who are seconded to the posts of Deputy Chief Inspector and Inspector. A Scottish Executive civil servant completes the main Inspectorate team. A number of lay consultants and researchers also contribute to the inspection process.
The Inspectorate is also responsible for inspecting legalised police cells which are used to hold prisoners awaiting trial locally in isolated areas or, following conviction, pending transfer to a main prison. Inspections are carried out every 3 years, with reports being submitted to the Scottish Ministers sent to all Chief Constables concerned and published.
The Chief Inspector is not an Ombudsman and cannot deal with individual complaints by prisoners or staff. But groups of prisoners and groups of staff are interviewed during each formal inspection, their general views are recorded, and may form a basis for recommendations or suggestions for improvement.
Any enquiries or comments about the Inspectorate should be directed in the first instance to:-
HM Prisons Inspectorate | |
Room M1/6 | |
Saughton House | Telephone: 0131 244 8481 |
Broomhouse Drive | Fax: 0131 244 8446 |
Edinburgh | E-Mail: clive.fairweather@scotland.gsi.gov.uk |
EH11 3XD | Website: www.scotland.gov.uk/hmip |
The Scottish Ministers
In accordance with my terms of reference as HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland, I forward a report of a formal inspection carried out at HMP Perth between 7 and 11 January 2002.
Five formal recommendations have been made, whilst a number of points of note and related matters have been drawn to the notice of the Governor of the establishment.
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons
for Scotland
28 February 2002
1.1 A formal inspection of HMP Perth was carried out between 7 and 11 January 2002, involving a ten strong inspection team (see Annex 8) which included a number of specialists such as medical, addictions and education advisers. HM Deputy Chief Inspector of Prisons (England and Wales) was also part of the team, having taken part in the last formal inspection in 1997.
1.2 While the previous formal inspection of HMP Perth focused on one establishment, this latest inspection was in effect an examination of two sites as it included what was formerly HMP Friarton. Located a mile away, Friarton had lost its independent management team as part of the prison reduction and rationalisation exercise conducted in 1999. It now operates as a satellite hall for the main prison, specifically to prepare prisoners for open conditions.
1.3 The concluding remarks of the previous formal inspection report had recognised that after many years of neglect, substantial improvements were being made to the accommodation areas in Perth. Nevertheless, the prison was some 50% overcrowded at that time, with the closure of one hall for refurbishment coinciding with an increase in prison numbers. The standard of accommodation was disappointing and in 'C' Hall where there was an unwieldy mix of remand and convicted prisoners, basic conditions were described as "disgraceful". In addition 10 suicides, 2 homicides and 4 other deaths in custody had been recorded in the previous 4 years, whilst the number of prisoner on prisoner assaults was at an all time high. Other incidents were helping to convey a turbulent image and separately there were serious concerns about health care standards.
1.4 Following this, robust measures were taken by the Governor to reduce prisoner violence and drug abuse. Improvements were also made to the Health Centre, and within a year, by the time of the first intermediate report, considerable steps forward had been taken. This was further assisted by the reopening of 'B' and 'D' Halls which relieved pressure on overcrowding.
1.5 Over subsequent years further improvement has taken place, such that on this latest occasion (with the notable exception of 'C' Hall), it was hard to recognise Perth as the same prison which was inspected in 1997. We were particularly impressed by the professionalism and dedication of the staff throughout the prison. Looking to the future we endorse the Governor's plan for a reconfiguration of the entire layout of the main site, which will include a new industrial complex, health centre, and adjustments to the catering facility and various Halls.
1.6 There were no major concerns, with the Health Centre now operating as an effective unit (though there is a need to re-site the hospital which acts as a 'hub' for all North Eastern prisons). In the past 3 years there has been a reduction in the number of cases of suicide whilst levels of violence are much lower than they were five years ago.
1.7 Levels of overcrowding are now running at -17%. It was especially pleasing to note that conditions for remand prisoners, who had been moved from 'C' to a refurbished 'A' Hall, were now far more appropriate to their legal status; in addition these prisoners have access to a much more imaginative and structured regime than was previously the case. Though 'C' hall has been redecorated, its old gallery type structure, and lack of integral sanitation and in cell electrical power indicate that fundamental restructuring is long overdue. In addition its mainly short-term occupants are exposed to a very limited regime. The new Segregation Unit is, however, quite excellent.
Crime Prevention
1.8 We were largely encouraged by the efforts that management are now devoting to helping reduce future crime, particularly in the areas of sentence management and offending behaviour programmes (though a better balance needs to be struck between the demands of KPIs and the actual need of prisoners). We also noted that in respect of staffing levels, Perth appears to be properly resourced (though the design of its old buildings tends to place high demands on its workforce). On the other hand, the main worksheds are dated and conditions are poor, and therefore do not properly prepare prisoners for release (whereas in Friarton there are 'state of the art' efficiency worksheds, following recent investment).
1.9 Our main concern largely centres around short term prisoners who are not only housed in poor conditions, but have little opportunity by way of programmes to address their offending behaviour, (especially drug misuse - for which many have a depressing history long before their arrival in custody). This latter aspect needs addressing and in this respect we would hope that the imminent provision of Cranstoun Drug Service workers will help. More work places need to be found for short-term prisoners as well.
1.10 Generally, the regime for those in Friarton Hall preparing for open conditions was found to be satisfactory - though with more focus and clarity of purpose, this could be a quite excellent facility.
Statement by Jim Wallace MSP, Minister for Justice at the Scottish Executive with responsibility for prisons
I am grateful to HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for his report on HM Prison Perth.
I am pleased to see that he has found, since his last formal inspection, significant investment in the development of the facilities within the establishment, particularly those relating to the remand prisoner accommodation area.
The report acknowledges the considerable effort of management to assist the reduction of future crime, particularly within the areas of sentence management and offending behaviour programmes. In addition it is encouraging to note that the Chief Inspector has acknowledged that the remand prisoner population now have access to a more imaginative and structured regime provision than was previously the case.
I was also pleased to note that the Chief Inspector found that the procedures and mechanisms in place to support life sentence prisoners and families to prepare for the setting of the punishment tariff following the implementation of Convention Rights (Compliance) (Scotland) Act 2001, to be particularly impressive and an example of best practice.
Inevitably, there are areas where there is still scope for improvement and the responses by SPS to each of HMCIP's recommendations are also set out.
30 April 2002
3.1 The prison is located one mile to the south of Perth City Centre on the A9 Edinburgh to Inverness road. It is a designated category 'A' facility though many of its present buildings were built between 1840 and 1859, making it Scotland's oldest occupied prison. More recently, in December 1999, it was merged with HMP Friarton, which is located by the Friarton Bridge, about one mile away.
3.2 The prison holds those who have been remanded from the courts of Angus, City of Dundee, Perth and Kinross and Northern Fife (Cupar), plus short-term convicted prisoners from these areas. It also houses prisoners serving over 4 years, and prisoners serving life, whilst Friarton Hall is now a national top end facility for long-term prisoners. Overall capacity is 593 in 6 halls. Examples of routines are at Annex 2.
Remand Prisoners
3.3 Remand prisoners are housed in 'A' Hall [ It is planned to take on a further 44 long term prisoners at the end of January 2002 at the start of their sentence for induction/assessment, which will take place in 'A' Hall.] , which has been refurbished to a good standard. At the time of inspection, protections were also held in this area (but were shortly due to be moved back to 'C' hall).
Short Term Prisoners
3.4 Short term prisoners are mainly held in 'C' Hall, (though a number of LTPs may be located there as a temporary expedient) - see photograph over.
3.5 Conditions in this hall contrast starkly with the rest of the prison, as it has no access to 24-hour sanitation and lacks electrical power for in-cell radio or television.
3.6 The fabric is also fragile with much of the plaster work appearing close to disintegration. Although the hall has been painted recently it was found to be grubby, (whilst the recreation rooms give an impression of 'seediness'). An old fashioned exercise yard where prisoners walk around in circles, is located at the end of the wing.
Long Term Prisoners
3.7 'B' Hall which was refurbished to a high standard in 1997/98 provides secure accommodation for 61 LTPs in single cells, together with two high risk cells. The hall is classed as the induction hall within the long-term progression system.
3.8 'D' Hall has been similarly refurbished and provides secure accommodation for 69 LTPs in 67 single cells and one two-man dormitory. There are also two high risk cells for vulnerable prisoners. It is classed as the intermediate hall within the long-term progression system.
3.9 'E' Hall provides secure accommodation for 54 LTPs (plus up to 16 STPs) with a total of 62 single cells, one two and one six man dormitory. Fifty cells have access to night sanitation, whilst 4 have integral sanitation (as has the six man dormitory). This hall is classed as the top hall within the long-term progression system (preparing prisoners for progression to 'top-end' facilities such as Chrisswell House at HMP Greenock , Pentland Hall at HMP Edinburgh, or Friarton Hall).
3.10 Friarton Hall is located by the Friarton Bridge, and enjoys panoramic views overlooking the River Tay.
3.11 It is a national 'top-end' facility with a capacity of 89 Category C prisoners serving from 4-12 years. Its purpose is to help prisoners adjust to the more relaxed environment they are likely to experience in an open prison and to expose them to its recently constructed 'efficiency' workshops.
3.12 We found accommodation in most halls to be either good or satisfactory, the obvious exception being 'C' hall. Whilst there have been improvements to this hall since 1997, these have largely been cosmetic, and all are agreed that conditions in this hall are unacceptable: we recommend, therefore, that as a matter of some urgency there is total redevelopment of facilities and accommodation for short term prisoners.
3.13 The population at lock up on 6 January 2002 was 494 as follows:-
Location | Design Capacity | Population |
A | 147 | 120 |
B | 63 | 55 |
C | 147 | 89 |
D | 71 | 68 |
E | 70 | 66 |
E Hall Unit | 6 | 0 |
Friarton Hall | 89 | 80 |
Totals | 593 | 478 |
3.14 The 16 other prisoners were either located in the segregation unit, E Hall rehab. or the surgery.
3.15 A breakdown of the sentences being served was:-
Sentence | Numbers |
Life | 50 |
10 years and over | 27 |
4 years and less than 10 years | 183 |
2 years and less than 4 years | 46 |
6 months and less than 2 years | 68 |
3 months and less than 6 months | 21 |
1 month and less than 3 months | 4 |
Less than 1 month | 5 |
Total | 404 |
Remand | 90 |
Total | 494 |
3.16 A breakdown of the security categories of the convicted population was:-
Category A | Nil |
Category B | 189 |
Category C | 198 |
Category D | 16 |
Category D* | 1 |
Total | 404 |
Plus 90 B Category Remands.
Governor's Briefing
4.1 In his briefing at the start of the inspection, the Governor outlined a range of issues which included the following:-
- Investment in the fabric of Perth Prison had continued over recent years - nevertheless it was recognised that conditions in 'C' Hall were now wholly inappropriate. Regime facilities in the main site, especially the workshops, were also relatively impoverished, whilst the interview and groupwork rooms were inadequate. Nevertheless, there had been considerable investment in Friarton, with large sums of money made available for a completely new workshed area. Improvements had also been made to perimeter security, following escapes from that area of the prison.
- The Future. A development plan was being prepared which would provide for the refurbishment of 'C' Hall, replace 'E' Hall and create a separate support services area for estates, kitchen, laundry, stores and a new regimes and industrial complex. (This has not yet gained SPS Board approval.)
- Until recently the communications structure throughout the prison had suffered from a lack of continuity amongst Deputy Governors. With the arrival of a new Deputy, managers and staff were now being encouraged to become more involved and to take greater ownership of responsibilities.
4.2 Despite the heartening investment in Friarton Hall, we thought that this part of the establishment was struggling to find an identity of its own within the overall system. It was also difficult to determine quite who it was a 'half-way house' for. There also was some evidence of boredom amongst prisoners.
4.3 We have further observations to add below: (see also Annex 1 for more detailed statistics covering the period 1996-2002).
Overcrowding - Comment
4.4 At the time of the last formal inspection, the prison had been some 50% over available capacity, due in part to the closure of one of its halls for refurbishment. At that time we thought that overcrowding could be contributing to high levels of violence and other control problems. However, overcrowding had reduced over subsequent years to -17% at the time of this latest inspection. Nevertheless, the additional 44 Long Term prisoners soon to be transferred to Perth, will have implications for the use of accommodation, work spaces and so on.
4.5 Recent trends are as follows:
4 years preceding 1993 formal inspection - 3 deaths
4 years preceding 1997 formal inspection - 10 deaths
4 years preceding 2002 formal inspection - 6 deaths
4.6 The increase in suicides in the early 1990s reflects similarly disturbing trends across most remand establishments in the SPS (though unusually there were far more convicted deaths in Perth). Some of these deaths were thought to be connected to drug misuse as it began to spiral upwards across Scotland. It is hugely encouraging that more recently there has been a reduction in the number of suicides which may be attributable to the combination of many factors, including greater interaction between staff and prisoners, the extension of the Listener scheme, the use of the day care centre (and possibly the introduction of in cell television which could reduce the time for morbid contemplation).
4.7 Separately, we found that ACT documentation and processes were clear and comprehensive. All prisoners were being assessed on reception, with the relevant forms being completed by the assessing prison officer and nurse. Information from the police and by the court duty social worker (who will telephone if there are concerns) were also included. In addition there are 2 suicide risk management co-ordinators and 8 trained facilitators, all of whom are able to carry out ACT training.
Violence - Comment
4.8 In the year preceding the last formal inspection, violence amongst prisoners had almost doubled, from an average of 14 to 25 serious assaults. These rates were double those of any other establishment and additionally, just before this period there had been two violent deaths. As a direct result, a major review of security took place (at much the same time as pressures on overcrowding began to reduce, when B and D Halls re-opened after refurbishment).
4.9 Prisoner on prisoner violence levels have continued to reduce in subsequent years, as shown below:
1995-96 |
1996-97 |
1998-99 |
1999-00 |
2000-01 |
14 |
25 (record) |
9 |
7 |
7 |
Levels of Use
4.10 Since October 2001, urine testing on admission has been conducted as part of a national survey and this has indicated a positive rate for illegal substances of 80%.
4.11 For the year April 2000 - March 2001, random mandatory drug testing indicated an underlying positive rate of 20%, though injecting does not appear to be endemic in the establishment. These issues are further discussed below.
Mandatory Drug Testing
4.12 The main establishment has four MDT trained staff and one supervisor, who are part of the Operations Group. Their duties include reception testing, and crucially, they maintain a presence in the unit on Saturday mornings (and the occasional Sunday). In Friarton Hall all staff are MDT trained and testing is conducted on site.
4.13 The SPS Mandatory Drug Testing Policy requires a random sample of 10% of the prison population to be tested each month. For the year April 2000 - March 2001, a total of 1,842 tests were carried out, showing the following results:
Drug Testing Statistics (2000-2001) Summary
Samples | Random | Suspicion | Risk Assess | Frequent | Reception | Voluntary | Total | |||||||
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
No. Selected | 470 | 25 | 91 | 5 | 1017 | 54 | 121 | 6 | 147 | 8 | 33 | 2 | 1879 | 100 |
Rejected | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 1 |
Refused | 5 | 1 | 12 | 13 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 24 | 1 |
Tested | 452 | 96 | 79 | 87 | 1011 | 99 | 120 | 99 | 147 | 100 | 33 | 100 | 1842 | 98 |
Negative | 292 | 65 | 27 | 34 | 842 | 83 | 59 | 49 | 29 | 20 | 29 | 88 | 1278 | 69 |
Medical Pos. | 27 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 50 | 5 | 29 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 112 | 6 |
Positive | 130 | 29 | 46 | 58 | 119 | 12 | 32 | 27 | 118 | 80 | 4 | 12 | 449 | 24 |
Results o/s | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 449 | 99 | 79 | 100 | 1011 | 100 | 120 | 100 | 147 | 100 | 33 | 100 | 1839 | 100 |
Final Positive | 122 | 27 | 45 | 57 | 101 | 10 | 28 | 23 | 118 | 80 | 4 | 12 | 418 | 23 |
Pos. discounted | 30 | 23 | 5 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 114 | 97 | 4 | 100 | 159 | 35 |
Underlying Pos | 92 | 20 | 40 | 51 | 97 | 10 | 26 | 22 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 259 | 14 |
Final Positive - tested positive for drugs of abuse - medical positives not included.
Underlying Positive - removes from figures those whose positive results may have been due to drug abuse before entering prison.
4.14 It should be noted that the number of risk assessment tests is extremely high (1011 tests conducted) and account for more than half of all tests. Meanwhile, the number of reasonable suspicion tests is low, accounting for less than 5% of all tests conducted (whereas we suggest that staff should be encouraged to be vigilant and feel confident that requests for suspicion testing will be acted upon: this is not always the case at present, due to MDT staff being used for other duties). More use should also be made of voluntary testing.
4.15 The number of refusals is also worrying and should be closely monitored in future. From April 2000 - March 2001, 24 individuals refused to provide a sample (12 of which were suspicion tests). From April 2001 - December 2001 there have been a further 23 refusals.
Test Results
Test Results |
Random | Suspicion | Risk Assess | Frequent | Reception | Voluntary | Total | |||||||
Non Medical | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | No. | % |
Cannabis (1) | 71 | 55 | 21 | 46 | 47 | 39 | 19 | 59 | 87 | 74 | 0 | 0 | 245 | 55 |
Benzodiazepines (2) | 32 | 25 | 6 | 13 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 16 | 60 | 51 | 0 | 0 | 110 | 24 |
Opiates (3) | 64 | 49 | 27 | 59 | 50 | 42 | 10 | 31 | 31 | 26 | 4 | 100 | 186 | 41 |
Methadone (4) | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 3 |
LSD (5) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Amphetamines (6) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 2 |
Barbiturates (7) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cocaine (8) | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 2 |
Temgesic (9) | 13 | 10 | 6 | 13 | 11 | 9 | 4 | 13 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 36 | 8 |
(Total test results may differ from no. positive samples due to poly-drug abuse)
4.16 Overall the most common test failure is for cannabis (55% of all positive tests). However, the rate for opiates is also significant, ranging from 31% of positive tests on frequent testing to 59% of positive tests on suspicion testing. Overall, opiates account for 41% of all positive tests. A significant number of individuals test positive for more than one substance.
Drug Strategy
4.17 The Local Drug Strategy, 'Throughcare - In Partnership', stems from a national policy and aims to tackle the drug problem on three fronts: - reduce demand, reduce supply and reduce harm. In common with other SPS establishments, drug strategy groups have been initiated.
4.18 The Drug Strategy Steering Group, which is chaired by the Deputy Governor, meets quarterly. It is attended by the Drug Strategy Manager, Head of Operations; Regimes Services Manager, Residential Services Manager ('A'/'C' Hall), Health Care Manager, and the Tayside Drug Problem Service. The Group operates at a strategic level, takes a holistic view of the strategy and its implementation, and has executive authority for decision making and resource allocation.
4.19 The Drug Strategy Co-ordination Group meets monthly and is chaired by the Drug Strategy Manager. It is attended by Managers for Custodial Services, Residential, Operations, Regimes, Prisoner Programmes, Sports and Fitness and Staff Training as well as the Senior Social Worker and Clinical Manager. The Group operates at both strategic and tactical levels with primary responsibility for managing practice based issues, systems and procedures and protocols.
4.20 The Drugs Referral Team meets weekly and is a multidisciplinary Group attended by Drug Support Officers, the Addictions Nurse, a Social Worker, and Medical and Nursing staff. The Group discuss the cases of individual prisoners and decides on appropriate interventions. It was anticipated the new Addictions Caseworkers would be in post from the end of January 2002 and would attend this group.
4.21 Following discussion at the Drug Referral Team, prisoners who are granted medical support (i.e. maintenance, detoxification or reduction programmes) are allocated a key worker from this Group. The key worker provides one-to-one support and informs the prisoner of the Group's decision (usually on a Thursday afternoon or Friday morning at the latest). This is an area of Best Practice.
4.22 The three Drug Support Officers carry out one-to-one counselling and support work with prisoners as well as addictions assessments.
4.23 We were told that one team leader and four caseworkers from Cranstoun Drug Services were due to start work shortly. It is expected that they will conduct addictions assessments to alleviate some of the pressures on discipline staff, and concentrate mainly on the untried and short term prisoners. Hopefully the latter should reap dividends in crime reduction in the community in the longer term.
Addictions Nurse
4.24 The Addictions Nurse covers Castle Huntly and Noranside as well as Perth. She has been instrumental in producing protocols relating to detoxification programmes and is presently drawing up clinical guidelines relating to the supervised administration of methadone. Due to time constraints, the nurse does not carry a caseload, but attends the Drugs Referral Team weekly meeting.
Assessment and Treatment - Comment
4.25 On admission prisoners receive a healthcare assessment and if medical detoxification is required appropriate treatment is then offered. If an individual is in receipt of a maintenance prescription (subject to urinalysis and confirmation of prescription by community prescriber) this will be continued. Prescribed medications are always confirmed by fax.
4.26 The establishment has produced clear protocols for untried and short-term prisoners, and will maintain on prescribed methadone for up to 2 years of a short-term sentence. In cases where prisoners are found to have taken illicit drugs on admission a warning is issued, which is recorded on their drug management file. If there is a repeat, the methadone is withdrawn.
4.27 Clear protocols have also been produced for the management of long-term prisoners: for example individuals can be commenced on methadone and reduced over a period of time. If a positive urine test for any illicit drug (including cannabis) is given, methadone is then withheld and detoxification with dihydrocodeine is commenced.
4.28 More recently a prescribed lofexidine detoxification programme (with additional individual support from Drug Support Officers) has been introduced. Naltrexone, the opiate blocker, is also available.
4.29 Between August and December 2001, 30 individuals had registered their need to address alcohol problems. However, while those individuals with alcohol problems are presently prescribed a reduction dose of chlordiazposide and vitamins, there are no opportunities for individuals to address alcohol related offending behaviour (though Alcoholics Anonymous hold one meeting each week within the establishment).
Security - Comment
5.1 HMP Perth is a Category 'A' facility, and there have been no escapes from the main establishment in recent years. Nevertheless a recommendation had been made, following the 1997 formal inspection that improvements should be made to the perimeter security. Some upgrading has since taken place, and funding has been made available to complete the double perimeter, and includes a new PIDS system. (One camera is still required for the perimeter but we were assured that this would be in place soon.)
5.2 The ECR, which is located above the gate, is staffed by two officers. The area is very cluttered, but we were pleased to note that refurbishment on this and the gate complex is due to commence around May. Meanwhile, gate staff (two officers) are responsible for operating the pedestrian and vehicle access to the prison and checking in and out all official visitors and vehicles. A manager is also on duty in the morning and in the afternoon but is also responsible for visits in the evening. An additional officer is located in the vestibule area and deals with visitors to prisoners and also operates the x-ray machine for checking all baggage.
5.3 When the refurbishment of the Gate and ECR is complete both functions will be on the same level. Electronic pedestrian doors will also be fitted with biometric locking/unlocking systems. A dedicated search area in which to conduct staff searches, and a new parcel storage area are also to be created.
5.4 Following the last formal inspection, CCTV had been installed in 'C' hall and further extended to 'A' 'B' and 'D' halls.
5.5 The establishment has a well resourced security/intelligence unit with a dedicated search team.
5.6 Improvements had been made since the last formal inspection report, and we found contingency plans to be sound. In this respect there is a full time co-ordinator who is responsible for the training of staff and the maintenance of the Control and Restraint equipment store. The equipment is well laid out and there was an impressive "black tally" system which quickly allows managers to assess how many trained staff are on duty at any one time. Nevertheless, since the introduction of the new staffing attendance system it has proved difficult to get enough staff together in a block for the eight to ten hours required to complete phase one training (though a modular system of delivering the training has been introduced whereby staff can "drop in" for short training periods and complete individual modules).
Orderly Room - Comment
5.7 Statistics for the past year from the Orderly Room were examined, indicating that there had been a total of 1084 charges brought against prisoners; with 'C' Hall (short term prisoners) accounting for a disproportionate number. By far the most common offence was for positive drug tests. We found that appropriate procedures to ensure that prisoners understood the charges were in place. Prisoners were also able to question the officer bringing the charge and had access to witnesses if required. Meanwhile the punishment register seemed to indicate that most punishments were fair and equitable. There were very few complaints regarding the adjudication process.
5.8 There were, however, some concerns over the refusals to take mandatory drug tests, following the suspension of adding days to the earliest liberation date of those serving a determinate sentence. We were concerned to find that on occasion those who refused were given another chance to comply with the order when they appeared in the orderly room, whereas this practice could, in fact, buy time for those who misuse drugs. Although the sanction of adding days is no longer available, we would recommend, therefore, that in these circumstances a further opportunity to comply is not made available.
Segregation Unit - Comment
5.9 We found that conditions in the new Segregation Unit were amongst the best in the SPS.
Reception - Comment
5.10 The reception had been described in the last formal inspection as "fundamentally unsuitable for purpose". Located in a two storey building near the perimeter, we found that no meaningful upgrading had been made. In particular, no SPIN terminal was available, whilst facilities for conducting medical assessments were cramped and lacked privacy. Similarly, the area for storing property was obviously too small for purpose [ A situation likely to deteriorate when 44 LTPs arrive shortly.] . There were problems too, with the additional storage space required to accommodate Friarton property, and we suggest that the workload of managing this and providing a reception service for Friarton is reviewed. (It would perhaps be easier to allow the latter to conduct their own reception procedures and separate property storage).
5.11 The reception area is managed by a first line manager and one officer in the morning and a first line manager and two officers on the late shift. The second officer was not available to reception, due to other duties, until tea time and his first duties were to relieve the existing staff for their break and then have his own meal break. This meant that the full complement of staff was not available until approximately 1900 hours, whereas many of the admissions for the day were arriving from lunchtime onwards with only one officer and a manager to deal with the process. Meanwhile, prisoners were being initially checked at an open desk and placed in a holding room, which does not have good sight lines. Though a CCTV system is in operation, staff report that there are blind spots. We recommend an urgent review of Reception facilities and staffing levels.
Prisoner Complaints Procedures - Comment
5.12 Results of the Internal Complaints Committee were being recorded well and we were generally satisfied with how the procedure operated. However, we did have some concern over the fact that Halls were self-auditing the process and also that forms were not always available in some areas.
Fire Precautions
5.13 The establishment has a nominated Fire Precautions Officer (who is also the Health and Safety Co-ordinator). The fire committee meets bi-monthly, and is well attended. The local fire crews also make annual familiarity visits to the establishment.
5.14 We were concerned to note that there was no evacuation plan available for the Health Centre, despite the fact that it is a national facility and some patients may be non-ambulant.
5.15 We also had some concerns about some of the evacuation procedures from 'C' Hall and 'D' Hall into the half moon corridor. For security reasons a number of the doors on this evacuation route remain double locked and this means that there is a significant time delay in unlocking the doors. However, the evacuation route in the corridor is very poorly lit with a number of obstacles (issues which have been brought to the attention of the Head of Operations).
5.16 SDBA equipment had been withdrawn from use six months prior to the inspection (due to staff rarely using the equipment and insufficient numbers of trained staff). However, a fire audit pro-forma had recently been introduced and field tested, and this appeared to be a very useful tool.
Fire Drills
5.17 A recent drill in the administration area had highlighted the fact that some non-key-carrying staff had difficulty accessing an escape route (whereas we would suggest that a fire evacuation plan in those offices might help to eliminate this problem).
5.18 Drills are not carried out as regularly as planned - four in the past year (three at Perth and one in Friarton) against a target minimum of six.
5.19 The FPO also highlighted a problem in the main prison with false alarms. He said there had been approximately fifty in the recent past, resulting in gate staff checking with the initiating area prior to alerting the fire brigade. This practice could lead to valuable time being lost in the event of a serious fire.
5.20 It was also drawn to our attention that the fire door in Social Work was locked from the outside (it goes through to 'A' Hall), which we suggest is urgently remedied.
Health and Safety - Comment
5.21 The H & S Committee includes membership from a wide range of functional areas throughout the establishment and meetings are held bi-monthly. Minutes are made available to staff at a number of locations.
5.22 Training in H & S appears to be given appropriate priority with between eighty-five and ninety per cent of the staff trained in working safely. All senior managers have also completed the "Safety for Senior Executives" and Unit and most First Line Managers have completed the "Managing Safely" course.
5.23 We were told that there was a programme of audits but the filing system could not confirm this. We were also advised of a problem whereby areas were not submitting their action plans or accident investigation reports within the time-scales, nor was there any evidence of Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work following the implementation of the SAS.
5.24 Nevertheless, the establishment appears to have a good record of reportable accidents, and we were satisfied that H & S was being given the appropriate support from senior management.
6.1 We found that the organisation and delivery of health care had been transformed since the formal inspection of February 1997. This had followed a further follow up inspection of the Health Care in December of that year, with steady improvement being noted over the course of subsequent intermediate inspections.
6.2 The health centre is located close to the western perimeter of the prison in a relatively old building. This had been refurbished during the first half of 2001 resulting in a fresh, brighter, environment, with generally much better facilities. The health care manager's office is on the ground floor, nearby which is the waiting area for prisoners. A corridor from the waiting area leads to the doctor's consulting room and the adjacent treatment room contains a sophisticated electronic machine for urine testing. The remaining part of the ground floor is devoted to an office for the two clinical supervisors, a general office which contains the medical records, a pharmacy, dental surgery and staff facilities. A general office is also situated in an adjoining prefabricated unit.
6.3 The two main facilities on the second floor are the prison hospital and day care unit. The hospital area, which acts as a 'hub' for other prisons in the North East, consists of a nursing office, a four-bedded ward area and three cells. Along the corridor from the ward area is a doctor's consulting room and a leisure area. This part of the health centre also contains the room for the addictions nurse, whilst two anti-ligature cells are close to the ward area.
6.4 The day care unit is above this floor and has interview rooms, a consulting room for the visiting psychiatrist together with a multi-function room.
6.5 We were told that a new vulnerable prisoners unit is soon to be introduced. This will have a general room and be sectioned off, with soundproof areas for computer activities, a cooking area and an interview/group work area.
6.6 The present ward area is, however, not large enough for four beds and does not provide a sufficient degree of privacy for assessments and examinations (see photograph below). In addition, it does not have a treatment room, and the doctor's consulting room is unsatisfactory, whilst two of the three cells which are part of the hospital area are not big enough for proper medical care. The nursing station does not allow direct visibility of the ward area, either.
6.7 We also suggest that an extra computer and two printers for the administrative staff would greatly improve efficiency.
Medical Officers - Comment
6.8 The prison is served by two medical officers under contract to Medacs, (a commercial company commissioned by the SPS to supply medically qualified practitioners to all Scottish prisons). Both work part-time.
6.9 We formed the impression that the doctors co-operated well and benefited from each other's clinical expertise. They agreed that the support arrangements for prisoners with mental health and drug abuse problems greatly enhanced the work they were able to carry out. However, the doctors thought that more work needed to be done in the area of chronic disease management. They were also keen to introduce the appropriate clinics and clinical support arrangements for this area of health care and also suggested that it would be cost effective to develop minor surgery services in the prison. Such a service would benefit prisoners, would save on escort for prisoners attending hospital outpatient clinics and would be professionally fulfilling for the medical staff.
6.10 It was said that support from the local hospitals was good though waiting list times could sometimes be a problem; nevertheless, this was facilitated by the fact that a dermatologist and specialist in blood-borne diseases held clinics in the prison. Further support was given through the attendance of an optician and chiropodist on a regular basis. An occupational therapist was also available and we consider this to be an element of Best Practice.
6.11 The other concern was an inability to access the wealth of technical information which is available to doctors on the Internet, via the surgery computer.
Pharmacy - Comment
6.14 With the refurbishment of the health centre, the opportunity had been taken to re-locate the pharmacy to a larger room, which has increased the storage space for all medications - as well as providing a work area for the pharmacist and her administrative assistants.
6.15 The room contains cabinets in which the individual trays holding medications for all prisoners on prescriptions are kept. These are then used by nursing staff to stock the portable medicine chests which are taken to the halls to provide the prisoners with their weekly courses of treatments. Supervised medication, including methadone, are given separately. The pharmacy also has cabinets to hold stock supplies and two separate cabinets for controlled drugs, together with a lockable refrigerator for storing vaccines. A fax machine is used to send prescriptions each week day for delivery later the same day.
6.16 The pharmacy is supervised by a pharmacist in accordance with the contract between the SPS and Moss Chemists. As a result of her work in assisting in the audit of repeat prescriptions over the preceding 18 months, considerable savings had been made in the drugs budget. In keeping with this contract, the pharmacist also reviews the kardex regularly (and as part of this process all long term medications are in turn reviewed by the medical officers). Two administrative assistants also work with the pharmacist to carry out all the work involved in the faxing of the prescriptions and other non-clinical work relating to the pharmacy. This avoids the wasteful use of nursing time in carrying out such activities, and is, we believe, a good example of Best Practice.
Medical Records - Comment
6.17 The A4 medical records are filed in open shelving in the general nursing office, and are we believe, well maintained. However, there had been a change in policy since our last full inspection and the nurses no longer had the medical records available when they carried out triage in the halls, instead using a journal in which they entered relevant details. On their return to the health centre they then entered information in the medical records. However, the lack of medical information available to nurses when they carry this out is of concern. We would anticipate that once the computerised medical record system is up and running a computerised summary sheet of the patient's medical data should be available for the purpose of the triage.
6.18 When prisoners are being seen in Reception, nursing staff use a standard admission sheet to record information. A summary sheet is also used to gather information on known medical conditions and immunisations, data which is later transferred to the medical records (when they become available). The admission sheets are then completed by the medical officers when the prisoners are seen for their admission medical examinations within the following 24 hours.
6.19 If, on admission, a prisoner is placed on ACT, documentation is initiated and filed in the medical records (and where a prisoner on ACT is moved to different parts of the prison this documentation goes with him).
6.20 We were supplied with a wide range of statistics relating to the provision of medical care. These showed that 53% of the 1,926 prisoners admitted to the prison in 2001 had a serious drug abuse problem and of these 21% were intravenous drug users. Serious alcohol abuse was also identified in 18% of those admitted. The figures also showed that 10% of prisoners were identified as being hepatitis C positive, whilst mental health problems were identified in 12% of those admitted.
6.21 The unusual nature of the workload which the health care team have in prisons is illustrated by the consultation rates. For doctors, the rates averaged 70% (compared with the community where 20% would be considered high). In turn the contact rate for the nursing team through the triage system was double the doctors' consultation rate. The referral rate to secondary care including specialist investigative procedures was 11% (again much higher than in the community).
6.22 We were also pleased to note that an audit of complaints had been carried out and measures put in place to keep these to a minimum.
Psychiatric Services
6.23 Since the last inspection the amount of psychiatric time contracted to the Prison had halved to 2 psychiatric sessions per week, on a Tuesday and Thursday morning. The sessions are currently arranged via Fife NHS Trust (following protracted negotiations with the previous provider, Tayside NHS Trust). Two psychiatrists are involved and both are highly experienced with a keen interest in the well being of prisoners.
6.24 The role of the psychiatrist was limited, because of time constraints, to the assessment and immediate treatment of patients and the completion of parole reports. Consequently, psychiatric input into the mental health team, Day Care Unit training, throughcare, the ACT strategy, service development and psychotherapeutic work was curtailed. The psychiatrist could be contacted by telephone in an emergency, but because of the current contract and other clinical demands, was not always able to attend. Delays in seeing patients were reported as being rare and the designated prison officer system for the day care centre was extremely helpful in this respect.
6.25 Staff reported problems in obtaining beds in the local forensic psychiatry unit (although we note that in 2001, 11 transfers were made to outside hospitals, including 8 to this unit). One prisoner waited 3 months for transfer, whereas we believe delays in transfer of more than one month should be reported to the Mental Welfare Commission.
6.26 Given the growing complexity of the prison population, we believe there may be a case for increasing the number of psychiatric sessions.
Dentist - Comment
6.27 The dentist attends the prison two days every week, assisted by his own dental nurse. He had been in post for about four months prior to our inspection, and had inherited a waiting list of over 120 patients. Since taking up his post he had reduced this to 20, whilst the dental surgery had been refurbished and re-equipped with modern, up to date equipment which included an x-ray machine. We were told that the surgery had been inspected by the local Health Board and the equipment and dental practices assessed as satisfactory with regards to the prevention of cross-infection.
6.28 We were also impressed by the flexibility, which disciplinary staff had been displaying in ensuring that delays in the arrival of patients were kept to a minimum - thus ensuring that dental sessions were utilised to the full. This was likely to have played an important part in helping the dentist to reduce the waiting list, and is, we believe, an example of Best Practice.
Health Centre Management and Administration - Comment
6.29 Health Centre management was at the time of inspection being delivered by an experienced health service manager (also a registered mental health nurse) who brought good management skills and experience to this role. [ It was subsequently announced that the health centre manager had been selected for a post within SPS Headquarters.]
6.30 The manager was developing good team working and services that are multidisciplinary in approach, with evidence that he has been proactive in the area of clinical audit and has identified areas where service development is needed.
6.31 A small team delivers the administrative support to the health centre staff, and visiting practitioners, consisting of a full time administrator, two full-time and two part-time post-holders.
Nursing Staff
6.32 In addition to the regional inpatient facility of 10 beds located in the Health Centre the nursing team provides nursing services to Friarton Hall (one mile away), Castle Huntly (20 miles away) and Noranside (37 miles away).
6.33 Clinical management is achieved through two clinical nurse manager posts. There are 23 nursing posts, of which 12 are registered general nurses, 9 are registered mental health nurses, 1 is a registered nurse for learning disability and 1 is an enrolled nurse.
6.34 There are two health care assistant posts, and agency nurses are employed to fill any planned or unexpected nurses' absence, whilst student nurses from the local University can be placed in the prison health centre to complete a module of clinical training, - and which we consider as an example of Best Practice.
6.35 There is a good mix of skills and experience, which includes disease management for specific chronic disease; specialist drugs liaison; disease prevention with a focus on blood borne diseases; and sexual health. Registered mental health nurses also play a key role in the work of the mental health team and the day care unit.
Nursing Practice
6.36 All admissions undergo a health assessment by a nurse, and on the basis of this assessment a referral is then made to the appropriate support.
6.37 The nursing team provides a triage service for those presenting with primary care needs and nurse led care for those who do not require to be referred to the medical officer. Nurses respond to all accidents and health emergencies that arise, and provide chronic and episodic disease management, mental health care, health promotion and disease prevention services.
6.38 There is a good level of nursing input into the assessment of those presenting with problems associated with drug misuse, and there is a specialist addiction liaison nurse. With the imminent input of Cranstoun Drug Workers this should increase the assessment of needs, especially amongst remand and short sentence prisoners.
6.39 The administration of medicines accounts for a high percentage of nursing time, and nurses also provide 24 hour nursing care for patients admitted to the regional Inpatient facility.
6.40 Overall, nursing arrangements are sound, but the implementation of clinical supervision, as in some other prisons has not yet been fully implemented.
Induction/Sentence Management - Comment
7.1 The Induction and Sentence Management Unit is staffed by a first line manager and nine officers. Induction is delivered in the Work Assessment Centre, over two weeks and is aimed at all mainstream prisoners serving over three months. It runs in conjunction with a work assessment programme, and the programme is a rolling one with prisoners having a menu card on which the modules attended are entered. Prisoners serving less than three months are not, however, part of this programme: we were told that they were seen on an individual basis. Psychometric testing is also carried out in the Unit on those prisoners serving over one year.
7.2 A new pre-release programme was in the planning stage at the time of the inspection and was anticipated to be operational shortly. A number of partnerships had been formed to support the induction and pre-release processes; for example, effective use is made of organisations such as 'Shelter', 'New Deal', 'Dundee Inclusion' and 'Apex'.
7.3 The programmes manager co-ordinates the sentence management process and ensures that the caseload is evenly spread. Risk and Needs assessments are carried out by the programmes staff and some residential staff. In the six-month period from December 2000 until April 2001 one hundred and fourteen risk and needs assessments had been carried out.
7.4 We found that timescales within the sentence management process were being met and that quality checks of the documentation were being carried out. However, the introduction of sentence management to prisoners serving two years and over will add significantly to the current workload.
Offending Behaviour Programmes
7.5 The Programmes Group have responsibility for conducting prisoners risk and needs assessment as well as the delivery of programmes (see above).
7.6 The prison is an accredited site for the delivery of cognitive skills, anger management and drug relapse prevention programmes. It also offers cognitive behavioural therapy in conjunction with the psychologists. Referrals to the team come from the risk and needs assessment, and programmes are available to both short and long term prisoners.
7.7 There were excellent systems for monitoring delivery but sometimes a difficulty in matching KPIs with actual prisoner needs, (for example, entry criteria), meant that the Programmes Team were highly unlikely to meet the KPI for anger management. The risk and needs process also identified a need for alcohol programmes which were not currently available. On the other hand, such was the demand for cognitive skills courses, that it could be run continuously. However, there was a poor uptake for programmes by short-term prisoners and we recommend that this entire aspect be reviewed in order to better address crime prevention (amongst a group of prisoners who historically are known to commit a disproportionate number of crimes).
7.8 The unit is also becoming very cramped with the consequence that it is difficult to carry out one to one work when there are programmes ongoing. The introduction of administrative support would also free the staff up for more interventions.
Lifer Liaison Officer - Comment
7.9 The Lifer Liaison Officer (LLO) is a Unit Manager who had recently joined the team. There are also three deputy LLOs in place, (because the requirement to comply with "The Convention Rights (Compliance) (Scotland) Act 2001", regarding the awarding of punishment components to indeterminate sentences is likely to mean a sharp increase in work).
7.10 We were impressed with the procedures in place to support this. The LLO had appointed a team, which included two unit managers, one first line manager and the administrator responsible for Parole. Residential staff in the long-term halls had also been briefed on the new procedures. All life sentence prisoners affected by the changes were being seen individually by the LLO or one of his team, with meetings minuted and copied to prisoners. We consider the fact that a member of the prisoner's family, in certain circumstances, was allowed to attend these meeting was an example of Best Practice.
7.11 Good support mechanisms were in place for those life sentence prisoners who were due to appear in court to have their punishment component of their sentence assessed. We were further impressed with the system of giving all life sentence prisoners a pro-forma on admission on which to request a meeting with the LLO. We consider this to also be an element of Best Practice.
Employment - Comment
7.12 The induction and labour allocation process is a comprehensive process, which links interventions to sentence management. Several types of pro-forma had been introduced to resolve prisoner complaints, address concerns and provide information regarding work opportunities and offending programmes. We noted that most prisoners receive an induction interview, although convicted prisoners serving under three months are not allocated to a work party. Further details of the work activities available are shown at Annex 3.
7.13 We were told that every workshed delivers SQA for those employed, but we estimate that a minimum of 100 additional workspaces is required to provide all the prisoners with a work opportunity. This will increase with the arrival of a further 44 long term prisoners and may mean consideration of some form of timetable to provide equity of opportunities for all prisoners irrespective of their length of sentence.
7.14 The worksheds themselves are in need of renovation, and are generally too small for their purpose. Some have dampness on the walls and asbestos roofs.
7.15 There was a considerable level of sickness from the worksheds and it appeared in some areas that more prisoners were employed than were needed (especially noticeable in the Laundry).
7.16 Generally, it would seem that there is no "quick" fix to these problems. Nevertheless we would hope that some innovative alternatives, which give equity of opportunity to every prisoner and a timetable of structured activity, are considered in the near future. In particular we strongly recommend that more work opportunities should be developed for short-term prisoners.
Visitors Centre - Comment
7.17 The Visitors Centre, which opened in 1995, is located 150 yards from the main gate. It has a full time supervisor supported by volunteers and is open from 1100 to 1715 hours on Monday to Friday but not at weekends (an anomaly which needs to be addressed).
7.18 The facility is clean, reasonably spacious and has adequate facilities, including opportunities for advice and counselling. However, only 10% of visitors use the centre which suggests that there needs to be far better advertisement of its excellent facilities (the Family Contact Development Officers could also develop this).
Visiting Room
7.19 The main visit room can accommodate 34 visits at any one time, together with up to 12 closed visits and 6 professional (agents) visits. Staffing comprises a first line manager and 7 officers plus an additional 2 officers during the day to supervise the professional visit area. At the time of inspection we were told that 19 prisoners were subject to closed visit conditions; this is reviewed monthly.
7.20 The prison adopts a policy where if there is space, a prisoner can book a visit. This means that most prisoners can have up to eight or ten visits per month, each lasting for one hour. There are three sessions per day Monday - Friday, whilst convicted prisoners have access to family visits between 1145 and 1245 every Saturday and Sunday. There are also remand only visits every Sunday morning. A creche, staffed by volunteers, is provided for prisoner's children every weekend and volunteers staff a canteen facility between 2.00 pm and 3.45 pm each day.
7.21 There are also mixed visit sessions where "protection" prisoners are allowed visits in the same area as convicted prisoners. All prisoners are strip-searched after every visit, whilst visitors are required to have their hand marked with an ultra-violet stamp when they enter the visit area and show this mark before being allowed to leave.
7.22 Visitors are subject to appropriate rub down searches prior to admission, and staff have clear instructions to intervene where they suspect or see contraband being introduced.
7.23 There were 10 closed visiting rooms but the acoustics were very poor. We tested these out and even with the other visiting boxes empty it was difficult to hear what the person on the other side of the screen was saying. Allegedly with more than one of the boxes occupied it becomes very difficult indeed. This should be addressed.
7.24 The number of visits available to prisoners is probably more than in any other Scottish prison, and they are easy to book. We encountered a good atmosphere in the visits area and most visitors said that they were satisfied with the arrangements. Though we were told that six staff were designated as Family Contact Development Officers, we found that there were only three at time of inspection. Indeed, new attendance patterns meant that actually only one was available to carry out this role at any one time. We would suggest, therefore, that this role is re-invigorated and given the correct weighting and support from senior management, as experience supports the view that front line security supported by effective communication is worth far more than a reactive system involving extensive supervision in the visit area.
7.25 We had serious concerns regarding the strategy employed to combat the introduction of illegal contraband. Modern technology can be quite effective in reducing the introduction of illegal drugs through visits. We noted that both passive and active dogs were regularly used in the visits area. Combined with effective design and dynamic security techniques we have seen how other establishments have tackled this problem in a manner which was not reactive. We were told that no contraband had been found during strip searches in the last year and thus we cannot condone the strategy where every prisoner (including those on closed visits) is strip-searched. Experience shows that most substances introduced to a prisoner through visits is either swallowed or concealed internally in body cavities. We recommend, therefore, that visiting arrangements should be reviewed, particularly the present policy of strip searching every prisoner.
7.26 We also suggest that more technology is obtained - particularly in the entrance area. This should incorporate search and baggage lockers and employ front-line security techniques.
7.27 We also suggest that when visit sessions have started, prisoners on protection, as well as their visitors should not be required to pass other prisoners.
Prisoners' Visitors - Comment (See also Prison Survey at Annex 7)
7.28 We spoke to a number of visitors who said that they were satisfied with visit arrangements, and that staff were friendly and courteous. They said it was relatively easy to book a visit. They understood the security arrangements and felt that the supervision was not overly invasive. They also said that when phoning the prison they were able to contact the person responsible for booking visits without difficulty and that transport to and from the establishment was satisfactory.
Accommodation and Resources
7.29 The Education Unit is located in a free-standing unit and provides a bright and attractive environment for teaching and learning. On the ground floor there is a small office, a small staff room, an Art room, a classroom which is used for maths and communications, and a larger general purposes room. Upstairs there is a computer room, a classroom and a large teaching area, which can be divided if required.
7.30 Improvements could be made to the dcor and furnishings to bring the Centre up to the standard of the education facility at Friarton Hall. A staff base is also needed to provide staff with an area for preparation and correction. A Computer Learning Base with a networked system would also be a considerable improvement and would extend computer-based learning into other areas of the curriculum such as numeracy and communication.
Management and Staffing - Comment
7.31 The management and staff of the Learning Centre are experienced and have the flexible skills necessary for prison education. The Centre is well staffed with 3 full-time teachers and 4 part-time (1.8 full time equivalent) as well as access to temporary staff for absence cover. The staff can tap into the staff development programmes at Lauder College and participate in their staff review system. There are some important management issues to be addressed by various interested parties. The education contractor and the centre manager must continue to seek out opportunities to raise the profile of education in the prison with a view to increasing the prisoner learning hours. Prison management should take steps to integrate education more into the planning and policy-making procedures of the prison.
7.32 We believe closer links could be established between education and industry, and generally access to education could be improved. There is evidence, for example, that when access to education was improved at Friarton Hall, prisoners responded in a very positive way. There are also issues to be addressed by prison management at a national level. Representations have already been made on aspects of the contract and the prison wage rate differentials which have an adverse effect on prison education. There is a need to review such situations as where financial penalties are imposed for absences over which the contractor has no control and where prisoners are paid more for being in workshops where there is no work than for attending education classes.
Curriculum and Assessment
7.33 The curriculum provided at the Learning Centre allows for 60% of the time being allocated to core elements such as communication, numeracy, computing skills and social skills. There are also courses of an optional nature such as languages, art, guitar, history (and interesting initiatives such as the 'Dear Dad' group which records stories for their children). A very imaginative course, 'Touch, Type, Read and Spell', has been introduced to adult basic education with encouraging results for students with severe learning difficulties. However, attempts to re-introduce evening classes have been delayed by the shortage of discipline staff.
7.34 The vast majority of courses at the Centre lead to national certification under the SQA but there is room for improvement in the liaison arrangements between institutions in respect of the transfer of prisoner education records. Concern must also be expressed that the Learning Centre is working under capacity (as reflected in the shortfall of 20% in the contracted prisoner learning hours) and this should be addressed by Learning Centre staff, the education contractor and prison management at local and national levels.
Library - Comment
7.35 There has been a marked improvement in library provision since the last formal inspection. The library is now well managed by an enthusiastic prison officer whilst the location is now much more accessible and attractive. It is almost entirely a book facility with over 5000 relatively new stock, maintained via a good link with the local library service. Access arrangements for prisoners are generally good, and the demand is mainly for leisure and recreational reading (there is very little use of reference materials or support for learning and very limited supply of audio-visual and IT equipment). Improvements could be made by developing the area into a multi-media learning centre and making it more accessible to the Lauder Learning Centre.
Psychology - Comment
7.36 The Psychology Unit is staffed by the equivalent of one full time forensic psychologist, with a further 2 psychology technicians carrying out ongoing file reviews of life sentence prisoners (risk assessment) work. A new forensic psychologist is due to start shortly. Most of the work is in support of offending behaviour programmes and Perth is an accredited site for cognitive skills, anger management and drugs relapse prevention programmes. The psychologists are also closely involved in the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme. One psychologist is a member of the Mental Health Team and one is involved in supporting the risk and needs assessment process. This balance of work is in line with national policy and there is currently no clinical provision in Perth, (forensic psychology training does not include clinical experience). The forensic psychologists do not yet have chartered status with the British Psychological Society.
Social Work - Comment
7.37 The Social Work Unit is staffed by one full time Senior Social Worker, five Main Grades, and two Administrative Assistants. The team was operating at full complement, although given the demand, (including a vastly increased throughcare and pre-release workload generated by Friarton), a bid had been made for an additional Social Worker.
7.38 The balance of work reflects statutory and local requirements and includes around 40% of time dealing with parole reports, pre release plans and other statutory duties. Twenty per cent was spent on one-to-one cases, 20% on initial assessments and 20% on the Duty System to ensure that access was always available. Priorities therefore have to be established. Rising prisoner numbers meant, for example, that while attempts are made to see every long-term prisoner within 3 months, high risk prisoners have to be seen first. Less work was being done with STPs and remands than the team would have liked and they also said alcohol awareness and violence programmes should be introduced. All prisoners are seen in the Halls, where it was felt that generally, the interview rooms were not appropriate. The Social Work Unit was represented on the Risk Management Group, Drug Resources Team, Mental Health Team and at Heads of Departments meeting.
Race Relations
7.39 Since the last formal inspection, the SPS had amended its race relations policy and a Residential Unit Manager had been appointed as Race Relations Liaison Officer, responsible for investigating all complaints by prisoners - or visitors.
7.40 All ethnic minority prisoners are identified on reception and interviewed individually by the Race Relations Liaison Officer or Deputy Governor, a process which includes explanation of the complaints process.
7.41 A number of extracts of rules and regulations had been translated into various languages and a list of translators was available where necessary.
7.42 As at January 2002 there were 14 ethnic minority prisoners held in HMP Perth (out of a total of 81 across the SPS). We were told that there had been no complaints in the last 18 months, and generally, arrangements seemed to be satisfactory. Nonetheless being in such a minority means that individuals tend to be isolated. We therefore suggest that the Race Relations Liaison Officer should take up regular one to one informal meetings with all prisoners from ethnic minorities (this would ensure that what might be 'undeclared' needs, are properly responded to.)
Physical Education - Comment
7.43 The Sports and Fitness Centre is staffed by one PEI Manager and 5 full-time PEIs. All prisoners must undergo an induction programme before being allowed access to the gymnasium.
7.44 While the gymnasium is small for the size of prison, there is a good range of equipment including weights and cardiovascular machines. In addition there is an excellent all weather football pitch.
7.45 The Centre is open from 0830 to 2045 Monday to Friday and 0815 to 1630 Saturdays and Sundays, a timetable which allows fair and equitable access for all groups of prisoners. Afternoon sessions are mainly focused on the correctional agenda including lifestyle counselling, healthcare, goal setting and motivation. The Sports and Fitness Centre also leads the 'well being clinic'. Evenings and weekends are focused on more "traditional" PE activities such as weights, PT and recreation.
7.46 Each Hall has its own PE liaison officer, who offers a positive and identifiable point of contact. We were further impressed by the attempt to evaluate performance and provision, although we note that this opportunity is not always taken up by prisoners.
7.48 The present Chaplaincy team comprises four individuals who deliver a variety of services from pastoral and seminal care, to the provision of services and worship. There is an identified duty chaplain each day of the week, and he or she makes contact with all prisoners as soon as possible.
7.49 The Chaplaincy team also support Prison Fellowship on one night of the week and have a discussion group on another evening. One team member also sits on the establishment's mental health team.
7.50 Over the last few years there has been significant turnover in the chaplains at Perth, and we were told that management were attempting to recruit a full time chaplain (with a Selection Board imminent). We believe, therefore, that it is inappropriate to comment on the work of the present team, except to say that their work appears to have been particularly well thought out. Nevertheless, it would also be helpful in realising Chaplaincy's full potential for there to be direct access to a SPIN terminal. Though a formalised quarterly meeting is currently held with the regime service manager, it may be more appropriate, when a full time chaplain is appointed, for there to be similar meetings with the Governor, or his Deputy.
7.51 The kitchen is staffed by 2 first line managers and 8 officers (one of whom also covers Friarton). Twenty-four prisoners are also employed of whom anything between 8 and 24 might be present on any one day (14 at time of inspection). 10-12 prisoners are employed in the kitchen in Friarton. All staff are trained to the required SPS standard and all prisoners trained to basic hygiene and food safety issues before starting work in the kitchen.
7.52 A Prisoner's Food Focus Group meets on the second Thursday of each month. This offers the opportunity to hear suggestions, comments, etc. Very few formal complaints are made about the food although in discussion with prisoners, the issue of its temperature in the Halls was raised.
7.53 The area itself is a mixture of fairly new and rather tired equipment but the best use of available space and design was being made. Plans were in hand to upgrade the main office and the prisoners toilet area.
7.54 A four weekly cycle of menu is available, and this includes a healthy option in the lunch and evening meal selection. We sampled the food (in the kitchen and when it arrived in the Halls) and found it to be of high quality. However, a plated meal system was in operation and we found that on arrival in the Halls, the food had cooled down, with condensation forming in the containers (due mainly to the time between the food being placed in the heated trolleys and being transported to the Halls: we suggest, therefore that this is urgently reviewed).
7.55 Up to 25 prisoners are employed in the laundry (some of them STPs), and the area is staffed by 2 officers and a first line manager (who also has other responsibilities).
7.56 Bags containing individual prisoners' clothing are delivered to the laundry by the Hall passmen. They are washed, dried and sent back to the Halls on the same day. Prisoners can wash their clothes and bedding as often as they liked. Clothes are issued from the laundry to the Halls, although the large majority of prisoners prefer to wear their own.
7.57 A good range of equipment is available (one washing machine was broken but a new one was on order).
Canteen - Comment
7.58 There are four full time canteen staff who are responsible for prisoners' wages, PPC and sundries as well as its main function.
7.59 The bag and tag system in place appeared to be working well; the canteen was well stocked and items well priced. Comprehensive monitoring and stocktaking processes were in place. The aim was for all prisoners to have received canteen by 1600 hours on a Friday. Bags were delivered to Friarton by van and by trolley within the main prison.
Prisoners' Perceptions
8.1 During the course of the inspection we met with a number of prisoner groups representing all of the various categories being held. As is our normal practice, we have recorded their views as they were put to us but that should not be taken to imply that the Inspectorate is in full agreement with every point raised. However, where issues raised relate to subjects that are covered in the report, we have cross-referenced the relevant paragraph. Annex 7 also reproduces the results of the SPS's Fourth Prison Survey (2001) for Perth prisoners.
8.2 Relationships with staff throughout the main prison and Friarton were described as good. Untried prisoners appreciated the structured interviews which were part of the admission process, though the short-term prisoner group reported that they did not have a personal officer scheme. In contrast, long-term prisoners reported that staff in visits could be overly aggressive, whilst E' Hall prisoners said that staff/prisoner meetings would be helpful (we agree with the latter) (paragraph 10.30).
8.3 Drugs were described as a major 'problem': for example, the remand groups were clearly preoccupied with obtaining medication and some felt that the period of detox was not long enough. Long termers felt that drug testing had made this worse - and because cannabis was easier to detect in the urine more prisoners were prepared to use heroin. The comment was also made by some prisoners that more should be done for those failing drug tests (paragraphs 4.10-4.28).
8.4 Food. Most groups complained that the food was cold when it reached the Halls and condensation inside the containers was making the food soggy (we agree with the latter) (paragraphs 7.51-7.54).
8.5 Accommodation and Facilities. The complaints which were made largely concerned levels of hygiene and the facilities in 'C' Hall (we agree) (paragraph 3.9).
8.6 Visits. Long termers said that the visit process was demeaning and that strip searching was over the top (we agree). They also said 'B' and 'D' Hall should be entitled to 'E' Hall family visits. Protection prisoners said that they felt vulnerable during visits, as they were easily identified by their green tops (paragraphs 7.17-7.28).
8.7 Employment. 'E' Hall prisoners complained that there were different rules for the work efficiency scheme between Friarton and Perth (paragraphs 7.12-7.16).
9.1 Staff comprise the General Manager, two staff responsible for convicted and non convicted prisoners; parole, general support. The telephonist is also located in the main administration office. Members of staff are multi-skilled, flexible and able to stand in for each other during periods of holiday, sick leave and other absences. Excellent systems and processes are in place and we were particularly impressed by the arrangements for storing and retrieving warrants. Accommodation and facilities within the General Office are generally excellent.
Estates - Comment
9.2 The estate function is provided by an in-house team and led by a manager who had recently joined the SPS. He has built a team which achieves impressive results both in maintaining the estate and renovating older buildings. Generally, a great deal of contractor work has been completed expeditiously as a result of their flexibility.
9.3 We were also shown the "Contractor Packs" which outline responsibilities, security concerns and health and safety regulations for working within the prison. These are detailed and concise and are commended as an example of Best Practice.
10.1 The Senior Management Team is led by the Governor who has been in post for 2 years. The organisation chart at the time of inspection is shown at Annex 4.
Meeting Structure
10.2 A copy of the meetings diary is attached at Annex 5.
Human Resources - Comment
10.3 At the time of our visit the complement was 436.4 staff and the staff in post 421. (A breakdown of staff in post is shown at Annex 6.)
10.4 New attendance patterns were in place and seemed to be working well. There were obviously some problems when first introduced; there are, for example, several different patterns throughout the Prison, which may cause problems when staff rotation is attempted.
10.5 There are some problems with training: for example, although the new attendance patterns rostered training times, there was a lack of equity between different functions. We were told that more training had been cancelled since these new patterns started than before.
10.6 The HR Manager attended monthly sick absence meetings and the target was 12 days per person per year. At present the figure reported was 14.4 days. Much of this was long term sickness and it was hoped this figure would drop in coming months.
10.7 All level 2 SVQs in Custodial Care for operational staff were completed and the proposal to introduce Level 3 has been made. There is also a plan to re-train some of the assessors who have not delivered in this area.
10.8 There did not seem to be any major issues in the HR department, although there were many new initiatives for staff given the changes which had been introduced in the past few years. We were told that there was a healthy relationship with the local branch of the POA(S).
10.9 During the course of our inspection we were told that there were plans for the HR Manager to move to an operational role within the Prison.
Staff Training
10.10 The staff training department is part of the HR function. The facilities, which are located inside the secure perimeter in an area that was formerly the Gate Lodge, include three group rooms and an IT resource room. We were informed that there are plans to move the facility outside the main prison. The establishment does not have a discrete training and development committee; the senior management team assumes responsibility for the training and development function and the training manager attends the meetings.
10.11 The training manager devises the training plan based on identified needs, advertises the programmes and co-ordinates the courses. A recent initiative to devolve the responsibility for ensuring attendance at training events to first line manager was reported as being very successful. The amount of training delivered (both external and internal), exceeded the training variable last year and will do so again this year. Perth traditionally reduced the regime on a Friday afternoon to accommodate a range of staff training and although the regime is still reduced on Friday afternoons and some training of regime staff occurs, there appears to be a lack of clarity around whether or not this time should be used for staff other than those in regimes.
10.12 A study of the training records showed that a range of training has been on offer in the past year including core competency training, briefing on new policies, management development and health and safety. The number of staff who are with core competencies was reported as approximately seventy per cent. It was disappointing to note that training had to be cancelled to meet operational needs such as escorts and that such cancellations were more frequent since the introduction of the New Staff Attendance System.
10.13 It was noted also that there was an inequity of access to training particularly for some of the Operations staff groups.
POA(S) - Comment
10.14 We met with the Chairman of the local branch of the POA(S) who reported that they enjoyed a good relationship with most Senior Managers. They said that the Governor involved them in most of the major changes affecting their members and that the Committee had direct access to the Governor or Deputy for any important issues.
10.15 There had been some initial problems with the introduction of the new attendance patterns, but apart from a few staff, most were working in an area with a pattern which suited them. The Chairman felt that there might be some problems ahead when management decided to rotate staff, and that officers who were in an area with a particular attendance pattern might be reluctant to move to another area with a different pattern. He hoped to be involved in discussions to resolve these issues and was hopeful that a satisfactory resolution could be achieved.
10.16 Some issues regarding the closure of the Prison Officer's club were raised (e.g. appreciated the need for closure but felt some leeway could have been shown regarding the date of closure).
Staff Grievance Procedure
10.17 The HR Manager has responsibility for the staff grievance procedure for which he maintains a central record of all cases. In the past three years a total of eight cases had been raised and at the time of the inspection all had been completed and resolved. Part of the HR Manager's function is to establish whether any trends or patterns of complaint were emerging so that appropriate action can be taken if necessary. To date there were no emerging patterns or themes.
10.18 We were satisfied that all relevant timescales were being met and that staff were sufficiently aware of the existence of the scheme and how it operated.
Equal Opportunities
10.19 We were told that the equal opportunities policy had been agreed and signed off with the local branch of the POA (S). The policy was adapted from the national guidelines and most line managers had been trained in integrating the policy into their everyday management of staff.
10.20 There were no outstanding equal opportunity issues. Since the publication of the document and training of line managers there had been no complaints about equal opportunity issues.
Staff Facilities - Comment
10.21 Staff facilities were good and we were impressed with the gymnasium (though the male changing room was small), the main canteen/rest room and the access that staff had to lifestyle evaluations and health checks. The rest room set aside for smoking was located next to the kitchen (which was small and somewhat untidy) and this had caused some complaints. A staff facilities group was in place. Facilities for night staff and patrols in the Halls were spartan and we note that the Social Club had recently closed.
Staff Groups
10.22 During the course of our inspection, we met with a number of staff groups representing all grades and specialisms. As is our normal practice, we have recorded the views of staff as they were put to us but that should not be taken to imply that the Inspectorate is in full agreement with every point that was raised. However, where issues raised relate to subjects that are covered in this report, we have cross-referenced the relevant paragraph. The following is a summary of the main points raised.
10.23 Staff morale was said to be low, although slightly better than last year (however we found no direct evidence of this; rather the contrary). Officers felt that the recent pay rise had resolved some issues for the lower paid officers and that facilities and working conditions within the Prison had been improved. However, Operations staff felt that there was little opportunity for promotion for them.
10.24 Estates Review. Staff complained about the time taken to announce findings and had concluded that it could only be bad news, in which case they would prefer to know sooner rather than later. They also expressed concern over the way in which change was implemented. They felt that information was "trickle-fed" to them and then rushed through with haste, a process which did not allow proper consultation and training.
10.25 Although each of the groups we saw were consistent in these views, they were keen to express willingness for change and flexibility of approach if their co-operation and expertise were constructively harnessed by management.
10.26 Staff attendance patterns. These had been in place for several months and there were mixed views - several different patterns were in place and some staff said that they liked the longer shifts, which afforded extended quality time-off. Others said that because they worked in areas which were very busy with extensive prisoner contact the shifts were too long and physically tiring. Because of the different shift patterns, future movement between areas might be difficult to arrange which could result in stagnation if management/staff felt they should move but alternative shift patterns were unattractive.
10.27 Safety and security were not seen to be a problem with most staff reporting that they no longer had any serious concern for their safety, (whereas this has been a problem in the past.) While recognising that isolated assaults against them would always take place, they felt the regime, facilities and resources limited the opportunities for this to happen. Although the conditions in C Hall were far from satisfactory, the numbers held there had reduced since the last inspection. The security performance of the establishment against the targets had also improved over the past few years (paragraphs 1.6, 5.1-5.6).
10.28 Relationships with Management were described as 'variable'. First Line Managers said that they felt that there was a gap between themselves and Unit Managers. They felt that they were not part of the decision making process and that plans to involve them more in management planning did not take account of their workload or the relationships they needed to maintain with their staff. They expressed concern that there was an expectation they would deliver objectives which were challenging, without having received adequate training or briefing.
10.29 Several staff groups re-iterated these concerns, feeling that not all feedback from staff reached the Governor and that although this had improved since the appointment of a new Deputy, they wanted to see their views influencing strategy before conceding that this had been resolved.
10.30 Relationships with Prisoners were described as being generally good. The renovated accommodation, including the new Segregation Unit, in cell sanitation and televisions had contributed to the improvement in staff/prisoner relationships. They accepted that illegal drugs were still a huge problem, but said that prisoners viewed the strategy to combat this as being generally helpful and caring (paragraph 8.2).
10.31 Staff training facilities were described as being quite good and training staff as very helpful. Although core training was incorporated into the new attendance rosters, Friday afternoons were still available to some staff. The opinion expressed was that since the start of the new patterns, more training had been cancelled because of staff shortages. Staff said Operations staff received very little, Residential received some and Regimes staff had few problems accessing both core and specialist training. Efforts had been made to resolve some of the difficulties by splitting core training into units. Staff said they were unsure if the Friday afternoon lock-up was to facilitate training or to canteen prisoners (paragraphs 10.10-10.13).
10.32 Staff facilities were reported as being satisfactory. They had a canteen, locker room and access to a gymnasium. Although these facilities were very small for the number of staff employed in the Prison, most said that they appreciated them and understood that until the estate was developed they had little chance of larger premises. There was some concern regarding the decision to close the Staff club (paragraph 10.21).
10.33 Overall, despite some of the matters raised above we considered staff at Perth to be a highly professional, willing and flexible group.
Visiting Committee - Comment
10.34 We met with the Chair and Secretary of the Visiting Committee who said they were experiencing some difficulty with rosters. Evidently a clerical error (in the wider judicial system) had reduced their number, following the merging system) of the two Visiting Committees for HMP Friarton and Perth. They said that the Committee ought to be enlarged to its proper complement of 19, at the earliest opportunity. (Some respite had been available whilst Friarton was low on prisoner numbers, but this was a situation which had now changed). we strongly support. Our examination of roster visit records indicated that they were properly co-ordinated and regular.
10.35 Whilst expressing their pleasure at a number of developments within Perth prison, the Committee expressed concerns about the unacceptable conditions in 'C' Hall, together with the fact that short termers received very little assistance to address their offending behaviour. Also, they thought the Reception area needed urgent attention, and that generally, there should be a better uptake of education.
10.36 Relations with management were described as being good, and the Committee members said they were encouraged by the continuity which was provided by the new Deputy Governor.
11.1 Prisoners who are granted medical support by the Drugs Referral Team are allocated a key worker and the prisoner is informed of the decision by latest next day (paragraph 4.21).
11.2 An occupational therapist has been made available in the prison (paragraph 6.10).
11.3 The use of administrative staff in the pharmacy is reducing the workload on other members of the medical team (paragraph 6.16).
11.4 Good use of officers and "runners" for the dentist meant that delays in the arrival of patients are being kept to a minimum, with waiting lists reduced (paragraph 6.28).
11.5 Student nurses from the local University are brought into the health centre to complete a module of clinical training. This improves awareness of nursing in a prison environment (paragraph 6.34).
11.6 In certain circumstances, a member of a life sentence prisoner's family is allowed to attend the minuted meeting, to describe how the changes to tariffs might affect them (paragraph 7.10).
11.7 All life sentence prisoners are given a pro forma on admission on which to request a meeting with the LLO (paragraph 7.11).
11.8 The Estates "Contractor Packs" which outline responsibilities, security concerns and health and safety regulations are both detailed and concise (paragraph 9.3).
12.1 An urgent solution is needed to provide suitable accommodation for short term prisoners (paragraph 3.9).
For Governor I/C
12.2 The second opportunity to comply when prisoners appear in the Orderly Room for MDT refusal should not be made available (paragraph 5.8).
12.3 Facilities and staffing levels in the Reception area need to be urgently reviewed (paragraph 5.11).
12.4 Access to appropriate programmes and other opportunities including work should be developed for short term prisoners (paragraphs 7.7 and 7.16).
12.5 Visiting arrangements should be reviewed, particularly the present policy of strip searching every prisoner (paragraph 7.25).
12.1 An urgent solution is needed to provide suitable accommodation for short-term prisoners. (paragraph 3.9)
Accepted. The Estates Development Group is actively considering development options for Perth, which would provide modern accommodation for all short-term prisoners.
12.2 The second opportunity to comply when prisoners appear in the Orderly Room for MDT refusal should not be made available. (paragraph 5.8)
Not accepted. This has only ever been an isolated practice in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of a member of the Senior Management Team. To accept this recommendation would in SPS view, unnecessarily restrict the limited flexibility available to Adjudicators in the Orderly room.
12.3 Facilities and staffing levels in the Reception area need to be urgently reviewed. (paragraph 5.11)
Accepted. Development plans for the Establishment, which include a new Reception facility are being prepared.
Supervision and staffing arrangements are also being reviewed to match more closely available staff resources and periods of peak demand throughput.
12.4 Access to appropriate programmes and other opportunities including work should be developed for short-term prisoners. (paragraph 7.7 and 7.16)
Accepted. The need to develop appropriate programmes and other opportunities for short-term prisoners has been identified as an important element in the Establishments business improvement plan.
Sentence Management protocols and opportunities are being extended to include short-term prisoners serving from 2 to 4 years. Additionally, steps are being taken locally to aggregate identified needs to inform the development of activities for short-term prisoners.
A significant constraint, however is the lack of work places for the convicted population, which is not likely to be fully resolved until the building of a new industrial complex as envisaged in the Establishment's Development Plan. As an interim measure, work will be taken forward to explore the feasibility of regime timetabling to allow greater equity of access to the available regime opportunities.
12.5 Visitor arrangements should be reviewed, particularly the present policy of strip-searching every prisoner. (paragraph 7.25)
Visit arrangements are subject to regular review. The policy of strip-searching every prisoner after visits has already changed.
For SPS HQ/Operations Director
13.1 There is a need to review the situation whereby the education contractor is penalised for prisoner absences which are outwith their control (paragraph 7.32).
Issues to be taken up with the Governor I/C on subsequent visits to the establishment
13.2 The interview area in reception should be moved to accommodate a SPIN computer and sufficient space to conduct assessments in privacy (paragraph 5.11).
13.3 A fire evacuation plan for the Health Centre should be produced (paragraph 5.14).
13.4 A fire evacuation plan for the administration area should be introduced (paragraph 5.17).
13.5 Arrangements for the locking of the fire door in the Social Work Office should be remedied as a matter of urgency (paragraph 5.20).
13.6 There is no evidence of Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work following the implementation of SAS, and this should be addressed (paragraph 5.23).
13.7 The hospital/ward area is unsatisfactory in terms of design, space, privacy, treatment and facilities (paragraph 6.6).
13.8 An extra computer and two printers should be provided for administrative staff in the hospital (paragraph 6.7).
13.9 The doctors should have access, from their surgery, to medical information now available on the internet (paragraph 6.11).
13.10 The issue of access to local psychiatric beds should be examined (paragraph 6.25).
13.11 The number of psychiatric services should be reviewed, with a view to increasing them (paragraph 6.26).
13.12 Ways should be explored to achieve the implementation of the principles of clinical supervision for nursing (paragraph 6.40).
13.13 The introduction of administrative support to the programmes unit would free up staff to more appropriately deliver interventions (paragraph 7.8).
13.14 The worksheds are in urgent need of renovation (paragraph 7.14).
13.15 Consideration should be given to opening the Visitors Centre at weekends (paragraph 7.17).
13.16 There is considerable scope for information about the visitors centre to be transmitted to visitors (paragraph 7.18).
13.17 Acoustics in the closed visiting rooms are poor and should be addressed (paragraph 7.23).
13.18 The role of the Family Contact Development Officer should be reinvigorated (paragraph 7.24).
13.19 Prison Management should take steps to integrate education more into the planning and policy making procedures of the prison (paragraph 7.31).
13.20 Closer links should be established between education and industry (paragraph 7.32).
13.21 Access to education should be improved (paragraph 7.32).
13.22 The Learning Centre is working under capacity in terms of prisoner learning hours, which should be addressed by Learning Centre staff, the education contractor and prison management at local and national levels (paragraph 7.34).
13.23 The library should be developed into a multi-media learning centre (paragraph 7.35).
13.24 The interview rooms in the Halls are inadequate (paragraph 7.38).
13.25 The Race Relations Liaison Officer should institute regular one-to-one informal meetings with all prisoners from ethnic minorities (paragraph 7.42).
13.26 The issue of transporting food from the kitchen to the Halls should be reviewed, to ensure that heat loss is kept to a minimum (paragraph 7.54).
1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 | 1999-00 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | |
Suicide | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Attempted suicide | Records not available | 12* | ||||
Self harm | Records not available | 12* | ||||
Prisoner on staff assaults | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Prisoner on prisoner assaults | 26 | 7 | 9 | 7 | 7 | 3 |
Overcrowding | 49% | 31% | 9% | 14% | -26% | -17% |
Underlying positive MDT % | 40% | 34% | 26% | 21% | 20% | 21% |
Staff turnover | Records not available | 30 |
*We are disappointed that no records - either at the establishment, or within SPS HQ, appear to exist for these particular aspects. We are also cautious about the figures supplied.
C Hall (Week Days)
0730 | Nos Check and Unlock |
0745 | Prisoners Breakfast |
0800 to 0830 | Supervised Medications (B Hall Nursing Station) Prisoners Sick Parade |
0830 | Lock Up (Except Prisoners Attending Sheds etc.) |
0845 | Prisoners to Sheds (Numbers Check) |
0930 | C2, C4, C6 and C8 to Break |
1030 | C8 from Break |
1045 | C2, C4, C6 from Break |
1045 | C1, C3, C5 and C7 to Break |
1130 | C7 from Break |
1200 | C1, C3 and C5 from Break |
1215 | Prisoners from Sheds (Numbers Check) |
1215 | Prisoners Lunch |
1230 - 1330 | Prisoners Exercise |
1230 | Prisoners Methadone Issue (B Hall Nursing Station) |
1345 | Prisoners to Sheds (Numbers Check) |
1345 - 1445 | 1 st Session Visits (Monday to Friday) |
1415 - 1630 | Orderly Room |
1430 | Early Shift Finish (C7 and C8) |
1515 - 1615 | 2 nd Session Visits (Monday, Wednesday and Friday only) |
1530 | Back Shift Start (C7, C8 and C9) |
1530 | C1 to C6 to Break |
1630 | C1 to C6 from Break (Key Check) |
1645 | Prisoners from Sheds (Numbers Check (Pill run Tue only) |
1730 | Prisoners Evening Meal Served |
1800 | Prisoners Recreation Starts |
1800 - 1900 | 3 rd Session Visits (Tuesday and Thursday only) |
1830 | Recreation or Lock Up |
2000 | Prisoners Off Recreation to Receive Supervised Medication and Slop Outs |
2015 | Unlock Recreation and Supervised Medications |
2100 | Recreation Complete |
2115 | Lock Up and Nos Check |
2130 | Staff from Duty |
C Hall Weekend Routine
0745 | Numbers Check and Unlock |
0800 | Prisoners Breakfast |
0815 | Supervised Meds. (B Hall Nursing Station) |
0815 - 0930 | PT (Saturday Only) |
0900 - 1015 | Recreation (Main Area Only) |
0915 | Orderly Room (Saturday Only) |
1030 | Field (Saturday) Exercise (Sunday) |
1040 | Lock Up |
1200 | Field Returns - Lock Up, Methadone |
1230 | Prisoners Lunch |
C Hall Weekend Routine (Contd)
1300 | Lock Up and Numbers Check |
1315 - 1415 | Staff Meal Break |
1415 | Numbers Check, Unlock |
1430 - 1600 | Visits |
1445 | Recreation or Lock Up |
1615 | Recreation Door Opened |
1645 | Recreation Ends, Lock Up |
1700 | Prisoners Evening Meal Served |
1730 | Lock Up, Numbers Check |
1800 | Staff from Duty |
B Hall Regime (Week Days)
0730 | Staff on Duty |
0800 | Prisoners Breakfast |
0845 | Prisoners to work places |
1215 | Prisoners from Work Places Lock-up numbers check |
1215 | Methadone issue |
1230 | Prisoners lunch |
1245 - 1345 | Exercise |
1345 | Prisoners to Work Places |
1415 | Orderly Room |
1430 | Early Shift Off Duty |
1530 | Staff on Duty |
1645 | Prisoners from Work Places |
1700 | Pill Run (from Nurse's Station) |
1715 | Lock-up Numbers Check |
1730 | Prisoners Tea Meal |
1745 | Prisoners Off Recreation Locked-Up |
1800 - 2100 | Recreation |
1900 - 2000 | Recreation or In-Cell Lock-Up |
2100 | Lock Up |
2130 | Staff Off Duty |
B Hall Regime (Weekend)
0745 | Staff on Duty |
0800 | Unlock Prisoners Breakfast |
0915 - 1000 | Orderly Room (Lock-Up) |
1015 - 1115 | Exercise |
1230 | Prisoners Lunch |
1300 | Lock Up |
1315 to 1415 | Staff Break |
1415 to 1445 | Recreation |
1430 to 1545 | Recreation or In-Cell Lock-Up |
1700 | Prisoners Tea Meal |
1730 | Lock Up |
1800 | Staff Off Duty |
Daily average attendance on 7 January 2002
Laundry | 16 |
Industrial Cleaning Party | 6 |
Metal Fabrication | 10 |
Wood Assembly | 17 |
Work Assessment Centre | 13 |
Tailors | 12.5 |
Joiners | 15 |
Grounds | 6.5 |
Painters | 7.5 |
Vocational Training - Bricklayers | 5 |
Domestic Appliance | 6 |
Craft | 8.5 |
Friarton | 37 |
D Passmen | 5 |
Cooks | 30 |
Hall Passmen | 42 |
Total | 237 |
The Organisational Chart is provided below as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file, please note that you will need to click on your web browsers back button to return to this page after viewing the document.
Drugs |
SPS Addictions Team | Monthly |
Meeting with Cranstoun | Bi-Monthly |
ACT Co-ordination Group | Monthly |
Anti-Bullying Co-ordination Group | Monthly |
Residential | Monthly |
C Hall Staff meeting twice weekly. Managers meet monthly | |
A Hall ad-hoc - Managers monthly | |
LTP Managers meeting | Bi-monthly |
Life Liaison Team meeting | Bi-monthly |
Risk and Needs Assessment Team meeting | When required linked to case referrals - usually quarterly |
Sentence Management Review/Monitoring meeting | Quarterly |
Regular case conferences to discuss high profile/problematic cases | Weekly |
Segregation Staff meeting | Weekly |
Operations | Quarterly |
Head of Operations Meeting with Operations Managers | Monthly |
Closed visits Review Board (Security Manager and Residential Managers) | Monthly |
Security review meeting (first line manager representatives from all functional areas) |
Monthly |
Family Contact Development Officer (FCDO) | Monthly |
Regimes | Monthly |
Manager and Regimes FLM | Monthly |
FLM and Staff | Monthly |
Manager and |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Monthly |
Quarterly |
Quarterly |
Estates: |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Catering |
Butler Trust |
Quarterly |
Training |
Quarterly |
Sickness Absence |
Quarterly |
Complement | Actual Number in Post | Not Included in SIP Figure | |
Governor in Charge | 1 | 1 | |
Deputy Governor | 1 | 1 | |
Managers | 13 | 12 | |
Residential Staff | |||
22 | 21 | |
112 | 110 | 2 at HMP Zeist |
Operations Staff | |||
13* | 13 | 1 x Zeist + 2 on secondment |
109* | 107 | 2 at Zeist + 6 at SPSC induction |
4 | 4 | |
Health Centre | |||
2 | 2 | |
22 | 22 (FTE) | |
Admin/Health Care Asst | 8 | 7 (FTE) | |
Estates | |||
5 | 5 | |
20 | 20 | |
Administrators | 2 | 2 | |
Regimes/Programmes/Health & Safety/Drugs | |||
9 | 8 | |
51 | 48 | |
1 | 1 | |
Catering | |||
1.4 | 2 | |
9 | 8 | |
1 | 0 | |
HR | |||
1 | 1 | |
1 | 1 | |
1 | 1 | |
Admin | |||
3 | 3 | |
18 | 17 | |
6 | 4 | |
Totals | 436.4 | 421 | 13 |
*Current complement currently under review
The Prison Survey is attached below as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file, please note that you will need to click on your web browsers back button to return to this page after viewing the document.
HMP Perth
Clive Fairweather | HMCIP |
Colin Allen* | HMDCIP (Guest) |
David McAllister | HMACIP |
Malcolm McLennan | Inspector |
John McCaig** | Inspector (Guest) |
Dr Mike Ryan | Medical Adviser |
Margaret Reed | Nursing Adviser |
John Oates | Education Adviser |
Jane Thomson | Addictions Adviser |
Dr Lindsay Thomson | Psychiatric Adviser (Guest) |
Janet Reid | Secretarial Support |
Observer |
Jo Walsh | Criminal Justice Magazine |
* HMDCIP for England and Wales
** Deputy Governor, HMYOI Polmont