
Showing 39 news items

HM Chief Inspector of Prison's Statement on the Early Release of Prisoners during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Report on Second Return Visit to HMP YOI Grampian 1-3 October 2020 to look at Healthcare Provision
Covid 19 - Message from HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland
HMIPS Approach to Covid-19
HMIPS Approach to COVID-19
Could you provide invaluable support by ensuring prisoners’ human rights are upheld and that life in prison contributes to their rehabilitation?
Independent Review of the Handling of Deaths in Scottish Prisons
HMIPS responds to report by the Council of Europe Committee for the prevention of torture on treatment of prisoners
Publication of University of Dundee report: A Vision for Social Care in Prisons
Review of Mental Health Services at HMP YOI Polmont - Who is leading it and the terms of reference