Report on HMP Addiewell: Full Inspection 22-30 November 2010

Prison - Full Inspection Report

Executive Summary


ISBN 978 1 78045 005 6
DPPAS 11263

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Norte to the Scottish Ministers

Key Facts










Good Practice

Action Points

Annex 1 Sources of Evidence

Annex 2 Inspection Team/a>

Note to The Scottish Ministers

In accordance with my terms of reference as Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland, I forward a report of a full inspection carried out at HMP Addiewell between 22-30 November 2010.

Ten recommendations are made, two of which are for SPSHQ and one for the Scottish Court Service to address. The report highlights seventeen areas of good practice. A number of other points for action are made.

Hugh Munro signature

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons
21 January 2011



HMP Addiewell is located in the village of Addiewell off the A71 in West Lothian. The closest towns are Bathgate and Livingston.


Addiewell is a community facing prison and receives all categories of male prisoners (convicted, untried, remand and young remands) primarily from West Lothian and Lanarkshire.


Addiewell is a new, privately run, prison. It opened in December 2008 and is run by Sodexo Justice Services (formerly Kalyx).

Contracted Design Capacity


Population on First Day of Inspection

On the first day of inspection Addiewell held 547 convicted male adult prisoners, comprising 106 adults 16 young remands, 7 recalled life sentence prisoners and 24 convicted awaiting sentence.


Addiewell has two large purpose built Houseblocks. There are 12 separate wings in the Houseblocks containing single and double cells as well as cells for disabled prisoners. The wings separate remand, convicted, new admission, long-term and protection prisoners. The prison also has a Separation and Care Unit.

Last Inspected

This is the first inspection of Addiewell.


Setting the Scene

1.1 HMP Addiewell, one of two privately run prisons in Scotland, admitted its first prisoners in December 2008 and by March 2009 was fully up to its complement of 700. In the lead up to the prison's commissioning, the senior management team had for some 18 months, been closely involved in careful and detailed planning which included writing operational directions for every activity across the prison; designing the prison's regime and daily routine; recruiting and training staff; and installing the infrastructure which would support the prison's operation. It has been a hectic period also marked by considerable media scrutiny.

1.2 The basis for the management and operation of the prison is the Contract between Sodexo Justice Services (previously known as Kalyx) and the Scottish Government led by the Scottish Prison Service. The latter is represented in the prison by two SPS Controllers who undertake an audit and assurance role in respect of the Contract as well as discharging statutory duties such as, for example, adjudications. The Contract sets out a number of performance measures. Should the contractor fail to meet these measures, performance points are applied. An adjustment to the contractual payment is applied if the level of performance points exceeds the levels outlined in the Contract. There is therefore considerable motivation to deliver the Contract successfully. The Contract per se is not the Inspectorate's concern; nevertheless this report comments on the effect of the Contract on managers, staff and inevitably on prisoners as well.

1.3 Just as the buildings and technical support systems at Addiewell are new, so too are the staff. To recruit, train and develop relatively inexperienced prison staff in such a short period would be a challenge for any organisation and this has been the case for Addiewell. That said, there is little doubt that management and staff have met the considerable challenge set them. However, there is still a comparatively high turnover of staff when compared to prisons which have been open much longer, particularly of more experienced staff, and this does not help embed operational knowledge and practice into the establishment. We will continue to monitor the effects of this and I will look at this particular aspect of operation during the next 12 months.

Inspection of Addiewell

1.4 In general, whilst Addiewell as a new prison can still improve, it is an impressive prison. It has made huge progress in most areas. Indeed, Addiewell has shown real evidence of Good Practice, some of which I would judge to be 'Best Practice' ( Chapter 10). It is my strongly held view that there are important lessons to be examined by SPS headquarters and senior directors as well as by individual prisons in Scotland and I urge that this is done.

1.5 Throughout this year I have been critical of the smuggling in to prisons of illegal items, particularly of drugs and mobile phones. Addiewell, possibly driven by the threat of failure to deliver on Contractual requirements, has particularly robust 'front end' security processes. There are continuous efforts to deter and defeat smuggling. Everyone, including the Director, inspectors, staff and visitors, are thoroughly searched on entry to the prison as is mail and prisoners' property. All of this is supported by excellent technical systems incorporating biometric controls; by close collaboration with police colleagues and by the use of dogs trained in the detection of drugs and mobile telephone paraphernalia. There is a focused and determined effort to thwart illegal access. I recommend that the SPS introduces similar standards of security and technical systems into all closed prisons (paragraph 3.6).

1.6 Alongside this, all members of staff are subject to random drug and alcohol testing. This provides both management and staff with the added reassurance that their safety and the operational stability of the prison is not potentially being compromised by the activities of a rogue member of staff. I recommend that arrangements are put in place to introduce such tests for staff in SPS prisons (paragraph 3.5).

1.7 Because of the prison's high specification electronic surveillance and security systems in combination with robust security practices, prisoners and staff report feeling safe. However, statistics show that levels of violence are high, particularly the number of minor assaults on staff, despite staff treating prisoners well (paragraphs 3.3, 3.4 and 4.3). On the other hand, the SPS Prisoner Survey and our prisoner and staff focus groups suggest that there is little evidence of bullying or intimidation. Nevertheless levels of violence remain a serious concern and I will continue to monitor the trends during the next year.

1.8 Staff have a good understanding of the ACT2Care (suicide and self-harm prevention) procedures and the evidence is that this is working effectively. However, there has been an inconsistent approach to the 'ownership' of ACT2Care which has affected refresher training. As a consequence this has not been happening. ACT2Care refresher training must be provided to all staff (paragraph 3.51). The Listeners do not feel well supported by the current process. This issue needs to be addressed quickly (paragraph 3.53).

1.9 Prisoners are treated well by staff (paragraph 4.3). Ethnic minority prisoners to whom inspectors spoke, did not report having experienced any racial, cultural or religious discrimination or abuse and there was praise for staff in this respect (paragraph 4.34). Translated information is important at the point of reception and should be prominently displayed there.

1.10 Physical conditions within the prison are, not surprisingly, exceptionally good. I was particularly pleased to note that the prison has been very well maintained. This is due to an above-average cleaning regime as well as to an excellent maintenance system.

1.11 Food is of an acceptable standard. However, there is a general view among prisoners that much of the food is stodgy and uninspiring. Food was found, on occasion, to be lukewarm at the point of serving (paragraph 2.12). Managers were not testing food regularly either in the kitchen or at the point of serving and this deficit requires to be addressed if food standards are to be monitored effectively and remedial action taken promptly.

1.12 Contact with families is exceptionally good and consequently Addiewell has amongst the highest figures for family attendance at Integrated Case Management meetings (paragraph 5.6). Visit times are flexible and families who arrived early for visits over the week end were admitted early. The visit booking system arranged either through the booking clerk or by prisoners through the electronic 'kiosk' system based in the wings, works well. The visits room is well set out (paragraph 5.7).

1.13 Although I found Family Contact to be of a high standard, there is no doubt that Addiewell would benefit from a Prison Visitor Centre close to the prison. The prison is well served by public transport (bus and train). The prison has agreed a local bus timetable to fit visiting times. However the visitors I spoke to all said they would appreciate somewhere to wait and receive information and support prior to entering the prison. I recommend that the prison investigates the possibility of collaborating with partners to provide such a facility (paragraph 5.5).

1.14 Originally, the Contract for the delivery of Learning, Skills and Employability ( LSE) was with West Lothian College. The Contract had, however, recently been terminated and the prison now employs its own teaching and support staff. In many respects, therefore, it is too early to say whether this is working and I intend to re-inspect LSE at some stage next year (paragraph 7.20).

1.15 The prison's Contract sets challenging targets in relation to the provision of purposeful activity hours for prisoners. In order to maximise access to the various regime opportunities available, the prison provides personalised timetables for each prisoner. Considerable efforts are made to ensure that all prisoners, including those on remand, are involved in work, learning and physical activity and although there is real evidence of enthusiasm and a commitment to encouraging prisoner participation, I was disappointed to find that during our two prisoner numbers checks during the week, only about 60% were participating in useful activity with the remainder locked in cells. The Director is aware that the prison can do much better than this and I recommend that this receives early attention (paragraph 7.6).

1.16 Long-term prisoners had most complaints about the learning, skills and employability provision because in their view, there is insufficient access to work-related activity and therefore opportunities to earn a wage and to gain certificated skills. I highlight the need for opportunities for work and certificated vocational training to be significantly improved.

1.17 Healthcare is at a basic level and is not provided to the same standards as in the community (paragraph 8.1). Prisoners complain about long waiting times and there is considerable evidence to support their claims. Record keeping is particularly poor, indeed almost chaotic and this state of affairs may have contributed to the lengthy waiting times. Medical records must be properly maintained (paragraph 8.9). There is now a very committed new manager in the Healthcare facility and there are already signs of improvement. I intend to re-inspect Healthcare next year to ensure that suitable standards have been achieved (paragraph 8.36).

1.18 Community links are excellent and this area reflects good practice. Considerable effort has been put into working with the North and South Lanarkshire and West Lothian Councils and these links now appear to be working well and supported by the Lanarkshire Community Justice Authority. There are very good links with community groups such as for example, the Wise Group (Routes out of Prison), Families Outside, Circle, Citizens Advice, Alcoholics Anonymous and the Samaritans.

1.19 Reintegration is also going well and I was impressed with the range of programmes available to prisoners as well as with the ability of the prison to develop its own. There is as yet no specific pre-release programme but the prison tries to address as many issues as practicable before each prisoner is released. Integrated Case Management is operating to a good standard (paragraph 9.1).

1.20 I have taken a particular interest this year in the training and development of prison staff. At Addiewell, staff are trained on-site in the well-equipped training centre and I was privileged to attend a graduation ceremony for the latest recruits. The basic training is well-delivered. I was also impressed by the staff development programme which includes programmes for those promoted from grade to grade. There is also a recently-developed basic module for training Personal Officers though only 41 have been trained so far and the scheme is still in its infancy. It is too early, therefore, to say how successful this will be (paragraph 9.5). That said, at least there is such a programme and also an attempt to define the role of the Personal Officer which does not always happen elsewhere. I will be looking at progress when the prison is re-inspected. I would also like to see training and development programmes better measured and repeatedly improved, using a systems approach to training. This will ensure that training is always appropriate and delivered using the most effective methods.


1.21 Overall I was very impressed by the progress that Addiewell has made in a relatively short period of time. It has set high standards in many areas but the challenge will be to maintain those standards and to keep the momentum going. Healthcare and LSE have undergone significant changes, hopefully for the better and these areas will need specific re-inspection next year. I will also continue to monitor the impact of the high turnover of staff and the high levels of violence, particularly the number of assaults on staff. This is a positive report on a new prison and I congratulate the Director and her staff on their hard work. I re-iterate my view that many of the lessons learned at Addiewell should be examined more closely by the Scottish Prison Service.



Prisoners are held in conditions that provide the basic necessities of life and health, including adequate air, light, water, exercise in the fresh air, food, bedding and clothing.

2.1 Addiewell has now been open for two years. The conditions are very good and the buildings have been well maintained. All cells are spacious and bright and have a screened toilet and shower. Arrangements for exercise are very good. The food is good at the point of cooking but it is not as hot as it could be at the points of serving. Prisoners can wear their own clothes.


2.2 HMP Addiewell is run by Sodexo Justice Services. It admitted its first prisoners in December 2008 and provides 700 prisoner places with an additional 96 places in reserve. The prison services the courts of Lanarkshire and holds all categories of male prisoners. On the first day of inspection the prison unlocked 700 prisoners.

Accommodation Areas

2.3 Accommodation in Addiewell consists of two houseblocks, with each houseblock containing two units surrounding a central hub. There are 12 separate wings in the houseblocks containing single and double cells as well as cells for disabled prisoners. The wings separate remand, convicted, new admissions, long-term and protection prisoners.

2.4 All cells have an enclosed toilet and shower. All prisoners have privacy keys to their cells which means they can secure their own property. There are specific areas for displaying photographs and posters. However the policy on posters was not being enforced. Cells also have a table and chair. Prisoners can choose to eat in communal areas in the wings or in their cell. Prisoners can choose to pay for the use of a television.

2.5 All areas inside and outside the accommodation were clean and in good condition.

2.6 Overall, the accommodation is in very good order and well maintained. Conditions for prisoners are very good.


2.7 The provision for recreation is poor, consisting of two pool tables in each wing. There are no table tennis tables, although these can be accessed in the gym. Board games are available on request. There are also fitness rooms which are adequately equipped but as the main gym is very accessible these rooms are underused.

2.8 Most prisoners become bored during periods of recreation, particularly at weekends when there is very little day time activity to keep them occupied. It is a contractual requirement that prisoners are unlocked and out of their cells for at least 12 hours a day. A sizeable number of prisoners complained about this at weekends, saying they would prefer the option of returning to their cells for part of this time. Provision for recreation should be improved, particularly at the weekend.


2.9 There are twelve outdoor areas designated for main exercise with a number of other smaller areas that can be used for the same purpose. All of these areas are well maintained. One hour's outdoor exercise is available every morning between 08.45hrs and 09.45hrs. No prisoners spoken to had any complaints about the arrangements for exercise and seemed content with the early start.


2.10 The kitchen is staffed by six Prison Custody Officers ( PCOs), one head chef, a catering manager and a stores officer. It employs up to 50 prisoners, with 35 working in the morning and 15 in the afternoon. Prisoners working in the kitchen are given basic food hygiene training and after eight weeks receive an official REHIS1 food hygiene certificate. At the time of inspection there were no SVQ qualifications available due to the removal of the education contract from West Lothian College. However, three prisoners achieved SVQ certification in the kitchen during the course of 2010.

2.11 The kitchen itself is modern, spacious and an excellent facility. A report in November 2008 by West Lothian Council confirmed that the structure of the kitchen complied with the Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

2.12 The menu works on a four weekly cycle and prisoners book their meals using the electronic kiosk system 2. A good range of choices is available and fruit is available every day. Vegetarian choices are always available and healthy options are highlighted. Special diets are met on an individual basis following consultation with the doctor. The prison seeks the views of prisoners through monthly Food Forums (protection prisoners also have their own Food Forum) and by a menu questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were mixed. The choice was seen as good by some, very poor by others; comments on temperature were very negative (food is cold); comments on quality and portion size were mixed. Comments made by prisoners during the inspection were also mixed but the majority felt that the food was stodgy and uninspiring. Inspectors who tasted the food found it to be of a good quality in the kitchen, but not hot at the points of serving. The prison has been awarded a healthy living award and an 'Eat Safe' certificate.

2.13 Meals are served at the following times:















2.14 Hot food is cooked at 12.00hrs, put in hot trolleys and taken to the halls at 12.45. All complaints are dealt with through the formal complaints system. Staff have their own dining area and eat the same food as prisoners. Senior managers do not taste the food in the houseblocks.

2.15 Overall the catering arrangements are good. The timing of meals is also very good and although the quality of food is good at the point of cooking it deteriorates by the time prisoners receive it. The booking system operates effectively and it is good that fruit and healthy options are always available.


2.16 Prisoners order items from the canteen using the kiosks located in each wing. The screen lists the available items in easy to access categories all of which have pictures beside the written description so that prisoners with literacy problems can still make selections. If for any reason a prisoner cannot use the system, a hard copy written order form is still available for use.

2.17 The range and selection of canteen items is very good, with prices comparable to budget stores in the community. Items not held in stock are sourced through an arrangement with selected retailers. Prisoners are consulted on the range of items available.

2.18 Items are delivered to prisoners twice a week.

Clothing and Laundry

2.19 Prisoners can wear their own clothes except during visits when they wear prison issue sweatshirts or T-shirts. The prison will provide prison issue clothes if a prisoner asks for them.

2.20 The prison does not have an in-house central laundry. Washing machines and driers are available in each wing. The machines are operated by passmen who also oversee waiting lists and queries. Training for these prisoners is minimal and staff do not usually get involved. Prisoners complained about the driers shrinking clothes and many prisoners choose to dry their clothes in their cell or over the balcony rail. In general about ten prisoners a day, per machine can have their clothes washed. This means that with 60 prisoners on a wing, personal laundry such as underwear can only be done once a week in the washing machine.

2.21 The prison has a contract with a commercial company for laundering bedding and towels. However, there appeared to be a problem with the distribution of towels and passmen admitted to hoarding these in their cells so that anyone who needed one could get one quickly.

2.22 Although the arrangements for washing clothes meets basic needs , prisoners should not have to dry their clothes over balcony railings and passmen should not have to hoard towels to ensure that they are issued fairly. Staff need to become more involved in the laundry arrangements to ensure equality for all. The prison should consider installing a central laundry.



Appropriate steps are taken to ensure that individual prisoners are protected from harm by themselves and others.

3.1 Levels of violence in the prison are high, particularly the number of minor assaults on staff. The prison operates the SPS anti-suicide strategy and this is well managed. Front end security arrangements, including biometric identification of visitors and staff, as well as prisoners in the visits room are very impressive. Staff are searched and randomly drug and alcohol tested. This contributes to safety.

Security and Safety

3.2 There have been no escapes or absconds from Addiewell.

3.3 In the period October 2009 to October 2010 levels of violence when measured against SPSKPI criteria and compared with prisons of equivalent size and function were as follows:





Minor prisoner-on-prisoner violence





Serious prisoner-on-prisoner violence





Minor prisoner-on-staff Violence





Serious prisoner-on-staff Violence





Acts of concerted Indiscipline





3.4 The levels of violence are high, and of particular concern is the number of minor prisoner-on-staff assaults (49). This is despite the fact that staff report feeling safe and that they treat prisoners well. It is recommended that the prison examines the reasons for the high number of prisoner-on-staff assaults. The Inspectorate will also continue to monitor levels of violence in the prison.

3.5 Physical security systems are of a high standard with widespread use of biometric controls for prisoners, staff and visitors. The prison employs three dog handlers and six dogs that are trained to detect drugs and mobile telephone paraphernalia. The dogs are deployed to search across the prison and are utilised to complement security checks at the prison's entrance and in the prisoner reception area. Front end searching procedures are robust, and given both the investment in technology and the comprehensive searching policies and practices in place, the prison stands out as an example of good practice. Inspectors were particularly impressed with the fact that staff are subject to random testing for drugs and alcohol. It is recommended that arrangements are put in place to introduce drug and alcohol testing for staff in SPS prisons.

3.6 The prison has a full time Police Liaison Officer in place and his contribution to the work of the security and Intelligence teams is positive and significant. Internal systems for intelligence gathering and dissemination are robust. Between October 2009 and October 2010, finds of illicit drugs, mobile phones and weapons were as follows:

At point of entry to the prison

In-prison finds




Mobile phones



SIM Cards





83 3

3.7 The combination of physical and dynamic security measures which have been put in place to address the smuggling problem have resulted, for example, in a significant reduction in the volume of attempts to smuggle illicit items into the prison particularly in items of property. It is recommended that the SPS introduces similar standards of security and technical systems into all closed prisons.

3.8 Overall, physical and dynamic security is sound with a clear commitment among staff to maintain their robust searching processes and further to develop effective systems for crime prevention, violence reduction and establishing operational stability.

Supervision Levels

3.9 Addiewell uses the same Prisoner Supervision System ( PSS) that is in place in SPS establishments. The processes evidenced during the inspection are compliant with national standards and timescales. Prisoners have sight of and sign the relevant documentation relating to their supervision level, with the outcomes being recorded on the SPS electronic Prisoner Record System ( PR2).

3.10 Residential unit managers operate the process and the only part wing staff play is in obtaining prisoners' signatures once a decision about their supervision level has been made. Wing staff displayed some knowledge of the PSS process but were limited in their ability to answer questions from prisoners.

3.11 A quality audit of the documentation is conducted by the Residential Unit Manager.

3.12 A random sample taken of prisoners files in the Integrated Case Management area suggests that not all documentation is being filed appropriately but that decision making is robust and appropriate.

Escort Handover Procedures

3.13 The observed interactions between escort staff and prisoners were appropriate. All vehicles inspected had been cleaned inside overnight. All had water, food and first aid kits on board.

3.14 Most prisoners spoken to at the prison and in the court cells visited said that they had not heard the safety message. This should be addressed.

3.15 The information contained in the Personal Escort Record ( PER) was appropriate both on leaving the prison and on return. Some PER forms indicated a long time between a prisoner completing his court processes at Glasgow Sheriff Court and leaving the court for prison. Local courts made efforts to ensure that prisoners were transferred without delay to the prison. There were good informal exchanges of information between the prison reception staff and escort staff.

3.16 All prisoners spoken to before and after escort knew where they were going and how long approximately the journey would last. All prisoners arriving in Addiewell reception receive a hot meal. This is an area of good practice.

3.17 All prisoners receive their medication prior leaving and have the opportunity to have a shower. They also receive cereal, milk, bread, butter and jam in their cells the night before so that they can have breakfast before they leave.

Admission Procedures

3.18 Reception is a well appointed purpose built facility. Different categories of prisoners are kept separate. Reception staff operate a good 'flow through' system and are very professional in their dealings with prisoners.

3.19 All prisoners are held in the escort vehicles until prison staff check warrants and take possession of cash and property. Once this process is completed prisoners disembark. A work-station is situated at the entrance to the reception area and this is where staff identify prisoners, and confirm warrant details, property and cash. Other details are added to the SPS prisoner records system ( PR2) and to the Sodexo Justice Services system ( CMS) during the interview stage.

3.20 After identification prisoners are searched and located in one of the holding rooms. There are seven communal holding rooms which again ensures that different categories of prisoners are kept separate from each other.

3.21 The holding rooms have seats and a television. There are few information notices for prisoners who do not speak English as a first language. There was also only one translated information booklet (Mandarin). Notices in a range of foreign languages should be on display in Reception holding rooms and information should be readily available to all foreign language prisoners who do not understand English.

3.22 Despite the lack of translated information there was evidence of staff taking great care over one prisoner who did not speak English. Similar care was taken with vulnerable prisoners and one prisoner with health issues. This is an area of good practice.

3.23 Prisoners are taken from the holding room one at a time and should be seated on a BOSS chair (detector for internally secreted illicit items). However, this was not always carried out during observations. Prisoners are then taken into one of the cubicles and strip searched. Searching was carried out in a respectful manner. After searching they are interviewed by staff and separately by a nurse.

3.24 There is a good sized room for private interviews which provides adequate facilities for staff to log personal information and conduct interviews relating to the potential for prisoners to commit acts of self-harm ( ACT2Care) interviews. A separate medical inspection room is available.

3.25 During the interview the prisoner's details are added to PR2 and CMS. The ACT2Care document is also completed during this stage. Even when the reception area is busy this is a calm and appropriate environment in which to conduct a self harm risk assessment: the prisoner is not in view of other prisoners, no other prisoners are within hearing of the process and prison staff displayed a calm professional approach.

3.26 New admissions are provided with a £1 telephone credit to allow initial contact with family, and a smoker's pack or a pack containing sweets to last until the first issue of canteen.

3.27 Once prisoners' risk assessments are completed and their details are on the computer systems they are given a healthcare assessment.

3.28 After these interviews prisoners' clothing, cash and personal property is opened and checked in the presence of the prisoner. It is added to their property card and the prisoner signs for receipt. All prisoners are allowed to retain their own clothing.

3.29 Property is stored in a good sized property room. This provides adequate storage space and the store is kept in good order. All property is logged accurately. Valuable property is put into a secure store that cannot be accessed by unauthorised individuals. The next day it is taken by the cashier and stored in secure cabinets in the administration area. The packets in which this valuable property is placed are sealed and logged appropriately.

3.30 There is an area containing showers and small cubicles which are used for searching. Prisoners are not routinely offered a shower as they have a shower in their cell.

3.31 There is no prisoner Listener deployed in reception. Addiewell has a very committed group of Listeners who could offer support to vulnerable prisoners coming into the prison. It would also be an opportunity to provide information about the Listener process. Listeners should be deployed in reception to provide support to new admissions.

First Night in the Prison

3.32 Addiewell has a First Night in Custody Centre ( FNIC) which is separate from the rest of the prison. There are 62 cells providing 62 spaces and one section of the top floor is allocated to vulnerable prisoners. Each room is prepared with a clean bed pack containing a pillowcase, sheets and duvet cover ready for each new reception. There is also a pack with tea bags, sugar etc. Toothpaste and a toothbrush are also available for new admissions.

3.33 There is an excellent prisoner handbook which contains information for first night inductions. During the time in the FNIC, an information DVD is played through the in cell television system. There are also information booklets for prisoners who speak Polish and Mandarin but no other non-English speakers are catered for, although staff are aware of and make use of, 'Language Line' when needed.

3.34 When a cell in the FNIC is vacated a team of prisoners immediately clean out the rooms and put in the new bedding and admission packs.

3.35 The staff are supported by 'Connexions Workers' who are prisoners acting as peer supporters to new admissions. They help to deliver the induction programme, keep the accommodation clean and generally offer support for prisoners new to the regime. The Connexion Workers are an example of good practice.

3.36 All prisoners admitted during the week prior to the inspection were asked about their experience of the FNIC. Without exception all praised the Centre and Centre staff as being very helpful during their settling in period. The operation of the First Night in Custody Centre is an area of good practice.

Induction Procedures

3.37 On the day after admission new prisoners are seen by the Doctor in the Health Centre and an assessment of needs such as programme and education interventions, addictions, employment and housing is carried out by the activities allocation staff (the 'Core Screen'). On the second day they receive a gym induction and a three hour induction presentation. This is a well produced Power Point presentation in plain English which explains the complexities of prison life. The same model is delivered to remand and convicted prisoners.

3.38 On the third day prisoners are interviewed by activities staff in order to allocate activities.

3.39 A translator is brought in if required for induction purposes. A family induction session is offered to families of newly convicted prisoners (see paragraph 5.8).

3.40 There are comprehensive arrangements in place for non-English speaking prisoners in the form of a CD and Power point presentation with translations. This is an area of good practice.

3.41 Observations and feedback from prisoners suggest that induction is effective in informing prisoners about the regime.


3.42 An Incentives and Earned Privileges Scheme ( IEP) is in place in Addiewell. There are two levels within the system, standard and enhanced. Strict criteria have to be met before an application can be submitted to move from standard to enhanced; prisoners have to have been in the prison for three months, they also have to demonstrate positive behaviour and engagement in the regime. Relevant indicators are: full attendance at work or education and no positive drug tests or disciplinary reports for a minimum of three months.

3.43 Once on the enhanced level, prisoners can apply to go to the enhanced wing (although they do not have to move there). Enhanced status prisoners receive £1.50 a session for employment or education activities (as opposed to £1). They can also apply for child bonding visits and have more freedom both in and outwith the wing. There is also a variety of jobs within the prison that are regarded as suitable for more trustworthy prisoners and these are reserved for the enhanced group.

3.44 If an enhanced prisoner is found guilty of an offence in an Orderly Room hearing he is automatically downgraded.

3.45 Although the IEP is a contractual obligation for Addiewell it is not replicated in any SPS adult male prisons.

3.46 Progression to other prisons is based on security classification.

3.47 Progression paperwork is generated timeously. Prisoner Supervision reviews are carried out appropriately and prisoner progression assessments are completed within the standard timescales and to a good standard. The relevant risk management processes are in place and appear to be working effectively. The Deputy Director or Director chairs the monthly Multi Disciplinary Progression Management ( MDPMG) meetings to make decisions about progression to the Open Estate or national 'Top Ends'.

3.48 Overall, the management of progression and transfer to other prisons is operating effectively.

Suicide Risk Management

3.49 There have been no suicides in the past year. On average there are six episodes of self-harm each month.

3.50 The prison operates the SPS's anti-suicide ( ACT2Care) policy. At the time of inspection six prisoners were subject to the policy.

3.51 Until two months before the inspection ACT2Care was run by Healthcare staff, which is not consistent with the SPS approach. Ownership of this has now been transferred to residential staff. However, this was causing confusion amongst some staff who were unfamiliar with the strategy. There was also no refresher training being undertaken; hence the compliance rate was 0%. There are seven trainers within the prison. It is recommended that ACT2care refresher training is provided to all staff .

3.52 An ACT2Care Group meets bi-monthly and is chaired by the Deputy Director.

3.53 There are seven trained Listeners and a further course for new recruits is planned for early 2011. However, there is no clear line of communication for the Listeners Scheme. Many staff are not familiar with the Listeners Scheme and this is having a negative impact on the service. The Listeners themselves, although very positive and motivated, are becoming disillusioned as they feel they are not being supported within the prison. The number of calls they receive is low but this is most likely to be arising from structural problems rather than a lack of need. A review of the Listeners Scheme should be carried out and better support provided to Listeners to ensure that they are able to contribute effectively within the prison.

3.54 All cells within Addiewell are designed to a 'safer cell' standard. There is therefore no need to move prisoners to a different location if they are placed on ACT2care. This is an area of good practice.

Night Duty

3.55 Night duty instructions were clear and comprehensive. All night shift officers spoken to were fully conversant with the content of the instructions, of the essential requirements of their own role and all had a thorough knowledge of the contingency arrangements in place in the event of an exceptional occurrence.

3.56 The prison employs a nurse on the night shift and on the occasion of our visit, a custody officer was located alongside her in the prison's healthcare facility specifically for the purpose of observing a prisoner who was at high risk of serious self-harm.

3.57 Overall, security systems and processes were sound and the night duty manager was particularly assiduous in ensuring that their operation was consistent and robust.

Post Incident Care Team

3.58 Like prisons in the SPS, Addiewell has a system for addressing staff needs following an incident. The Post Incident Care Team consists of six people who have undergone training in psychological first aid. They are available as an informal first response to staff who have been involved in an incident. Initially, help given is short-term but staff in need of more long-term or specialist help are supported.

3.59 The Post Incident Care Team is well advertised and supported by Management.

Staff Training and Development

3.60 The training department comprises the HR manager, a Unit Manager, a training officer and an assistant. This team is supplemented by instructors from different parts of the prison who deliver various elements of the core training.

3.61 A clear staff training strategy is in place.

3.62 Prison Custody Officer recruits are given a comprehensive nine week course, some parts of which are also completed by Operational Support Officers. Customer care is part of the Operational Support Officer training package. Uniquely, Addiewell delivers child protection training to all new recruits. This is an area of good practice.

3.63 Addiewell is meeting its targets for core competency training which is delivered through a mix of e-learning, classroom, lecture and simulation. Control & Restraint level 3 training is undertaken alongside SPS staff.

3.64 The prison is very proactive in routinely providing training for staff with regard to taking up new posts and on promotion. This is an area of good practice.

3.65 Staff training facilities are good and complement the learning process.

3.66 The staff induction process is flexible and able to meet the needs of all new staff regardless of their specialisms. Succession training such as in preparing to work in ICM or programmes is good and aligned to SPS practices. Personal Officer training has also been delivered to 41 wing staff but as yet the implementation of the Personal Officer Scheme has been slow.

3.67 An employee of the month scheme recognises exceptional performance. The Director also has regular forums with staff, who were appreciative of the support given by senior managers generally.

3.68 Staff felt that their initial training provided them with a sufficient theoretical base to manage the early stages of the prison's operation after it opened. However, the practical application of their knowledge presented a significant challenge given the inexperience of the staff group as a whole. The consensus view was however, that growing experience and additional training had resulted in an improvement in staff effectiveness and confidence.



Prisoners are treated with respect by staff

4.1 Prisoners are treated well by staff, particularly as staff become more experienced.

Prisoners are treated with respect for their dignity while being escorted to and from prison, in prison and while under escort in any location.

4.2 Prisoners are treated well by escort staff. The conditions in Hamilton Sheriff court cells are poor whilst those in Airdrie Sheriff Court cells are adequate.


4.3 Prisoners are treated well by staff. Staff encourage a relaxed atmosphere and are coping well despite their relative inexperience. The lack of technical knowledge among newer staff can, however, cause some frustration over straightforward issues and requests.

4.4 Escort staff displayed experience, good interpersonal skills and consideration for the needs of prisoners.

4.5 The SPS Prisoner Survey indicates that 91% of prisoners get on 'OK', 'Well' or 'Very Well' with staff: a similar figure to that in SPS establishments. The comparable figure for escort staff was 74%.

Health and Safety

4.6 Addiewell has a well-qualified and experienced Health and Safety/Fire Officer. This officer delivers health and safety, fire and first aid training to all new recruits and also delivers relevant refresher courses. Managers (who need it) are also trained in managing safely.

4.7 Staff are also competent in fire evacuation and cell fire protocols. Staff were also aware of their responsibilities in this area and in the area of health and safety.

4.8 Health and safety is well established and integral to working practices in Addiewell.

Hamilton Sheriff Court

4.9 The route from the escort vehicles to the cells in Hamilton Sheriff Court is not secure, but the escort contractor has an effective arrangement in place to address this. Fire evacuation procedures are good.

4.10 The layout of the cells area is compact but does allow for the separation of different categories of prisoners. There are nine cells serving eight court rooms.

4.11 Space can be at a premium on busy days, with some cells holding up to eight or nine prisoners. An average of 25 to 30 prisoners are held each day. There is no natural light in the cells and they were dirty and covered in graffiti. Some had deep gouges in the plasterwork. G raffiti should be removed from the cells and damaged plaster should be repaired.

4.12 Only one cell is covered by CCTV and this cell is used for the most vulnerable prisoners. For security and safety reasons it is recommended that CCTV is fitted to all court cells.

4.13 There are two separate toilets which prisoners have to ask to use. Although there are washhand basins there are no soap dispensers. Towels are available. Appropriate hand washing facilities should be available in the cells area.

4.14 Drinking water is available and hot drinks are served with sandwiches and biscuits at lunch time. Special dietary needs can be accommodated and there are usually vegetarian and Halal choices available.

4.15 Solicitors are able to speak to their clients in four purpose built interview booths with glass screens. Handsets are in place to facilitate conversations.

4.16 Arrangements for medical support are in place and managers are confident in the support that is available. All escort staff are first aid trained.

4.17 Access from the cells to the court rooms is often through complex routes with only one court being directly accessible. However, escort, police and court staff mitigate as much of the risk as possible by using the most secure routes and double-handcuffing prisoners if necessary.

4.18 The District Court is two to three miles away from the Sheriff Court and only has the occasional requirement for prisoners to attend. The facilities are acceptable and three staff accompany any prisoner being held there. The disembarkation of prisoners to this court is difficult as the vehicle has to park on the road.

4.19 Property handover and storage is adequate and there are good exchanges of information between the prison and escort staff using the Personal Escort Record form.

4.20 Prisoners are treated well by escort staff.

Airdrie Sheriff Court

4.21 Arrangements for prisoners being transferred from the escort vehicles to the cells are secure. Fire evacuation procedures are also good. Police assistance can be called upon quickly if required as the station is across the road.

4.22 The layout of the cells area allows for the separation of different categories of prisoners. There are eight cells, one of which has a grille gate and CCTV. This cell is used for the most vulnerable prisoners. There is no CCTV in any of the other cells. For security and safety reasons it is recommended that CCTV is fitted to all court cells.

4.23 Although all of the cells were clean there is no natural light and most have graffiti in them. One has deep grooves in the plasterwork. G raffiti should be removed from the cells and damaged plaster should be repaired.

4.24 There are two toilets which prisoners have to ask to use. Although there are washhand basins there are no soap dispensers. Towels are available. Appropriate hand washing facilities should be available in the cells area.

4.25 The cells serve five court rooms. Three of these court rooms have direct access from the cells area. Two are insecure, and one is so exposed that escort staff generally need a police escort to go through public areas. The insecure court rooms are very rarely used. There are no district courts at Airdrie.

4.26 Agents are able to speak to their clients in the four interview booths that are available. The interview rooms were clean and had no graffiti in them. There is a glass partition in each room separating solicitor and client. Escort staff have good lines of vision from the staff office.

4.27 Good arrangements for medical support are in place. Escort court staff are all first aid at work trained.

4.28 Drinking water is available and a hot drink is served at lunch time with sandwiches and crisps. Special dietary needs can be accommodated by liaising with the contractors. A hot snack (microwave meal) can be provided for those who are still in the cells after 17.00hrs.

4.29 The arrangements for property handover and storage are good, with a secure cupboard completely separate from the prisoner and staff areas. There are good exchanges of information between prison and escort staff using the Personal Escort Record form.

4.30 There are no facilities for disabled prisoners to attend court. Wheelchair bound prisoners are placed in what is considered to be the most suitable cell and the sheriff, lawyers etc. visit the cell to conduct the hearing.

4.31 Prisoners are treated well by escort staff.

Equality and Diversity

4.32 Addiewell has a member of staff who is called 'the diversity and engagement officer'. She is very experienced in the field and has autonomy to promote good practice in this area. She works approximately 50% of her time on diversity issues. Two diversity meetings have taken place.

4.33 At the time of the inspection there were 11 Black and Ethnic Minority prisoners held within the prison. There was a number of Chinese prisoners who were unable to speak English and a translator had been brought in to address various issues for this group. On reception to the prison the telephone interpreting service is available to assist in the completion of the admission procedures and risk assessments.

4.34 Ethnic minority prisoners to whom inspectors spoke did not report having experienced any racial, cultural or religious discrimination or abuse and there was praise for staff in this respect.

4.35 There have been two recent Racial Incidents and Addiewell has its own investigation forms for such situations. On both occasions a senior manager submitted an investigation report and the concerns were dealt with appropriately.

4.36 Foreign national prisoners who have no family in the UK are permitted a ten minute telephone call at the prison's expense once a month. At the time of inspection six prisoners were being held in custody awaiting deportation.

4.37 At the time of inspection one prisoner required a wheelchair to move around the prison. There are eight disabled access cells across the prison, all located on the ground floor.

4.38 Equality and diversity issues are well managed at Addiewell.


4.39 Staff carry out rub down searches prior to prisoner movement from one area to another. All of the searches observed were carried out in a dignified manner. However, staff were observed at times to rush rub down searches in an effort to meet the demands of the timetable. The frequency of rub down searching was less than specified by Management and should be improved. Adequate time should be provided to carry out searches thoroughly.



Good contact with family and friends is maintained

5.1 Addiewell makes every effort to maintain contact between prisoners and their families and to involve families in matters which affect prisoners at critical times.

Family Strategy

5.2 At the time of inspection the prison did not have a written family strategy. However, a statement outlining the key elements of the prison's approach to maintaining family contact makes clear their commitment that:

  • Family contact should be an underpinning thread of its business, not an individual person's job description.
  • The prison should provide secure, good quality family contact through the visits facility, telephone and mail systems and family induction sessions.
  • The prison should seek to involve families wherever possible in matters which affect prisoners at critical dates - the presumption is that families will be involved wherever possible and appropriate in prisoner case management.
  • The prison should engage with a range of community partners to ensure that family links are maintained and, where possible, strengthened.
  • Direction should be provided by the Family Strategy Group.
  • The prison should provide a programme of family-orientated events throughout the year.

5.3 The prison should regularly seek the views of families and prisoners on how it is performing.

Family Contact

5.4 The process of getting visitors to the visits room is secure and efficient. Visitors have their fingerprint taken and the biometric system allows smooth entry to the visits room. The visits waiting area is comfortable and has lockable cabinets in which to store property. The desk for lodging property is well signposted. There is information on visits times and on the prison generally in a rack at the entrance. A detailed 'prison handbook' is available, as is a bus timetable produced by West Lothian Council. These are areas of good practice. A touch screen computer with information about the prison is also available in the waiting room although its location and limited signage discourages use.

5.5 All of this good practice would be complemented by the provision of a Visitors Centre - somewhere for visitors to wait and receive information and support prior to entering the prison. It is recommended that the prison collaborates with partner agencies to provide a Visitors Centre.

5.6 Both families and prisoners can book visits and the system appears to work effectively. Neither prisoners nor family members complained about the booking arrangements to inspectors. A full-time booking clerk is in post and this officer books both social and more formal visits, including ICM meetings, where there is an average a 20% attendance rate. This is higher than the average performance in SPS establishments.

5.7 The visits room itself is spacious, bright and welcoming. A canteen staffed by prisoners is open during all visits sessions. It serves hot and cold snacks and drinks, with profits going to the Common Good Fund. A play area is staffed by a private company during Friday and weekend visits. It is also used at other visit times although the toys are not available. A secure biometric system ensures all prisoners and visitors are registered entering and leaving the visit room.

5.8 A family induction session takes place each Wednesday afternoon. Information is provided about the prison and how to receive assistance with problems or concerns. Circle, Families Outside and the Citizens Advice Bureau all attend and give a short presentation about what they do and how families can obtain help. The induction session is delivered in an accessible and very helpful way.

5.9 The prison provides a number of family-orientated events throughout the year including sports days, barbeques and concerts.

5.10 Visits take place Monday to Friday 14.00-17.00, then 19.00-18.45, and on Saturday and Sunday 13.45-17.15. Father/child bonding sessions take place twice a month on a Saturday or Sunday.

5.11 Addiewell does not operate a Family Contact Officer Scheme, but expects all staff to be knowledgeable and approachable. There is however an officer who oversees the whole area of family contact.

5.12 All visitors spoken to were content with the way they were treated and felt that staff were helpful and respectful.

5.13 A Family Strategy Group is in place and membership comprises the Deputy Director, Gates and Visits Manager, the Faith Team, Families Outside, Circle and others with an interest in families. The Group meets every three months or so.

5.14 Prisoners can send as many letters as they can afford. There are ample telephones in the houseblocks.

5.15 Overall, the prison makes a real effort to make visits and family contact as pleasant as possible. The amount of information available, particularly in the 'Prison Handbook' is very comprehensive. The links built up with other agencies involved in supporting families is impressive, and the family induction session is clearly valued by participants. The whole area of supporting families is to be commended.



Prisoners' entitlements are accorded them in all circumstances without their facing difficulty.

6.1 Prisoners' entitlements are accorded them at all times. Complaint forms are accessible and disciplinary procedures are fair and transparent. The chaplains are very well integrated into the life of the prison.

Legal Entitlements

6.2 Prisoners have good access to prison rules in the houseblock 'hubs'. Legal text books are available in the library. Privileged Correspondence procedures are robust.

6.3 The Scottish Legal Aid Board holds surgeries twice a month. Two solicitors visit to help prisoners with civil cases. This is an area of good practice.

Management of Disciplinary Procedures

6.4 Disciplinary hearings are held in a room in the Separation and Care Unit. During the procedures observed all staff were seated and the hearings were conducted in a relaxed, non-confrontational manner. The adjudications are conducted by the SPS Controllers.

6.5 Adjudicators ensure that prisoners understand the charges, have enough time to prepare a defence and are ready for the hearing. All prisoners were offered a pen and paper to take notes. There was also a copy of the Prison Rules available and all prisoners were offered assistance if required. Disciplinary paperwork was completed appropriately.

6.6 The process followed and the reasons for decisions and awards were understood by prisoners. In all cases where a prisoner was found guilty, cognisance was taken of hall staff views and reports.

6.7 There are on average 201 hearings a month, of which 15% result in not guilty or case dismissed. The number of hearings is slightly less than in other comparable prisons although the percentage found not guilty or case dismissed is higher.

6.8 The two most prevalent charges are for threatening, insulting or abusive words or behaviour, and being in possession of unauthorised articles. These two charges far outweigh any other areas of indiscipline.

Religious Observance

6.9 The Faith Team comprises a full-time Faith Team Leader, one part-time Church of Scotland Minister; one part-time Roman Catholic Minister; and one part-time Baptist Minister. Representatives of other faiths and community organisations such as Prison Fellowship Scotland also attend the prison on a voluntary basis to carry out acts of worship and provide pastoral care. The number of hours provided by the part-time chaplains was in the process of being increased.

6.10 Services take place as follows:


Fellowship Group

Thursdays (fortnightly)

Buddhist Service


Islamic Studies


Roman Catholic Mass


Non-denominational Service

6.11 An information leaflet on the services provided by the Faith Team and how to contact the team is available in the houseblocks and during induction. Prisoners are asked if they wish to register an alliance to a religion as part of the reception process, and if they do this is recorded on the SPS Prisoner Record System ( PR2).

6.12 The Faith Centre is fairly small, but adequate for the number of prisoners attending, which is low: during the week prior to inspection eight attended Mass and eight the non-denominational service.

6.13 Prisoners can ask to see a chaplain by putting their request on a general application form and giving it to an officer to pass to the Faith Services Office via the mail room. Staff can also refer a prisoner as can other departments such as social work and psychology.

6.14 The team tries to spend most of their time in the houseblocks and prisoners can also chat informally there or ask for a more private meeting.

6.15 The Faith Team is very well integrated into the life of the prison. The Team is represented on a number of groups including the ACT2Care Strategy Group, Family Strategy Group, ICM Group, Purposeful Activity Group and the Mental Health Group.

6.16 Overall, the Team feels very well supported, valued and trusted by Management. Although the number of hours available to the part-time staff had been low (six hours each for the Roman Catholic Minister and the Baptist Minister) these were in the process of being doubled. The Faith Team provides a good service to prisoners and makes a valuable contribution to the prison.

Visiting Committee

6.17 Despite considerable early difficulties in forming a Committee, there are now Visiting Committee ( VC) members representing North and South Lanarkshire and West Lothian. The Committee described excellent relationships with the Director and her senior team whom they meet bi-monthly. They also praised the Senior Management Team's rapid response to emerging problems whether systemic or operational. From a challenging beginning, the VC reports steady improvements in most areas across the prison.

6.18 Reference was made to the growing self- confidence of the staff whom the VC find to be enthusiastic and co-operative. They also observed an improvement in staff/prisoner relationships as the former gain experience.

6.19 On a less positive side, the VC expressed concern about healthcare service delivery and related this to a large turnover of healthcare staff, to their lack of familiarity with the prison environment and their inexperience in dealing with prisoners. A new healthcare manager had, however, recently been recruited and early indications are that change is being initiated.

6.20 Overall, the VC considers the prison to be decent, humane and respectful. They were particularly critical of some of the negative media coverage which they considered to be both inaccurate and unjustified.

Prisoner Complaints Procedure

6.21 Complaint forms are on display in the houseblocks, as are forms for accessing a member of the Visiting Committee. Prisoners reported no difficulty in accessing forms. Once a complaint is raised it is entered on PR2 which allows monitoring of timescales for CP1 forms 4, but not the quality of responses. However, there is a weekly review of the quality of responses by a unit manager. A review of CP2 5 paperwork indicated timely and appropriate responses.

6.22 The operation of the complaints system is included in the recruit training programme and there are also refresher courses.

6.23 The Internal Complaints Committee ( ICC) meets every Wednesday and hears an average of seven to eight complaints. This is similar to other comparable prisons. The committee is chaired by a unit manager, the compliance manager and a manager from another area.

6.24 A review of ICC paperwork indicates that prisoner complaints are given careful consideration and detailed reasons are given for the decisions. There is an appropriate balance between complaints which are upheld and those which are not.

6.25 There were over 4,000 complaints made between November 2009 and November 2010. Of these, 994 were confidential access to the Director, 933 were related to medical issues and 122 were appeals against Orderly Room decisions. There were no particular trends regarding the type or subject of the complaints, however in comparison with similar SPS prisons the numbers are about three times higher. This could be partly due to the inexperience of staff who may not have the knowledge required to answer queries or to resolve problems at an early stage.

6.26 The literature and information notices for the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (who now deals with complaints from prisoners) are displayed around the prison. Staff and prisoners were aware that this function had been taken over from the Scottish Prison Complaints Commissioner. Information is also relayed through the prisoners' televisions on the in-house information channel.

6.27 Staff demonstrated sound knowledge of how the CP system is intended to operate.

6.28 Overall, the prisoner complaints procedure is operating effectively and the evidence from the records suggests that it is transparent and fair. With growing experience among staff a reduction in the need for prisoners to enter the formal CP system might be anticipated.

Management of Segregation

6.29 The Separation and Care facility, (more commonly known in other prisons as the Segregation Unit), comprises 13 cells in total including a 'silent cell' and is located in a discreet area away from the houseblocks. Each cell is furnished to a basic standard and includes a wash hand basin and toilet. However, none of the cell doors has been fitted with a hatch through which items can be passed between staff and prisoners on those occasions when unlocking a cell door would represent a serious safety or health risk. The latter is potentially the case when prisoners undertake 'dirty protests' or are behaving in a dangerously aggressive way. Consideration should be given to providing all doors with hatches as an aid to risk management for staff.

6.30 There are showering facilities in the Unit and access to two small adjacent exercise yards. A kiosk is situated in the communal area for use by prisoners. The Unit also contains staff offices and the Orderly Room is held there on a daily basis. The facility is exceptionally clean and well-maintained.

6.31 There is a clear set of procedures in place for transferring prisoners into the Unit. Potential Rule 94 applications (for removal of prisoners from normal association) are submitted by a Residential manager to the on-site SPS Controllers for consideration. If the application is endorsed, then a decision is made on a case by case basis as to the prisoner's consequent location. Unless the Separation and Care Unit is at capacity though, Rule 94 prisoners are normally located there.

6.32 Prisoners routinely receive a copy of their Rule 94 application paperwork. They also receive a copy of the Unit's daily routine, rules and general information. The main reasons for admission to the Unit tend to be for subversive activities, serious breaches of discipline or protective care. Depending on their behaviour and response, prisoners can earn some privileges in addition to their basic entitlements.

6.33 Once located in the Unit and depending on their length of stay, prisoners are subject to regular case conferencing to monitor their progress and to prepare plans for their ultimate return to the mainstream. Prisoners are visited daily by healthcare staff and a manager and weekly by a doctor. Senior management visits are less frequent. Prisoners can see a Chaplain and other specialist staff such as social workers, on request. Prisoners who demonstrate mental health concerns are immediately referred to the Mental Health Team.

6.34 The records for all 12 prisoners in the Unit were scrutinised for the quality and comprehensiveness of entries. Although the Rule 94 paperwork was properly completed, individual files were incomplete and scrappy. The files contained a daily record of events such as the times of meals and exercise but no narrative entries to describe the prisoners' attitude, responsiveness, emotional state, behaviour or requests. Nor was there any record in each file or in a diary of shift handover comments and observations which means that important information is in danger of being overlooked. A review of the files should be undertaken and all relevant information and background details routinely included in them. Shift handover information should be detailed and readily accessible.

6.35 Staff in the Unit have been specially selected for their role and those to whom Inspectors spoke, had received training in control and restraint techniques, first aid, ACT2care and for a few, conditioning awareness. None, however, had received any specific training in the issues connected with managing and monitoring prisoners who are held out of association for sometimes extended periods. This should be addressed. It is understood that a conflict management module is currently in preparation and was due to be delivered shortly after the inspection. This initiative is to be welcomed.

6.36 All prisoners were visited and none had any complaint to make about their treatment by staff or about their conditions.

6.37 Overall, the Separation and Care Unit operates to an acceptable standard and staff manage prisoners there in a decent and professional manner.



Prisoners take part in activities that educate, develop skills and personal qualities and prepare them for life outside prison.

7.1 There is good access to Learning Skills and Employability opportunities and good assessment and support for prisoners with literacy needs. A major strength is the level and quality of staff and resources. The library and the Academy provide positive learning environments. However, there is further scope to develop opportunities for Long-Term prisoners both in relation to work and vocational activities. There is also scope to further develop the programme of evening and weekend out of cell activities.


7.2 Learning Skills and Employability ( LSE) within Addiewell Prison is delivered 'in house' - the prison now employs its own teaching and support staff. A previous contract with West Lothian College to deliver LSE had recently been terminated. New structures have now been established under the three faculties of: Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work in line with the expectations of Curriculum for Excellence. These offer a degree of flexibility. A number of key staff are new in post. Management responsibility lies with the Head of Learning and Skills. An action plan to develop LSE is in place. A new management information system is also under development. A quality assurance system was being introduced. There is a strong commitment to improve learning. There are no specific targets set for offender learning hours. The focus is on achieving potential purposeful activity hours which had been identified as 30,000 per week.

Staffing and Resources

7.3 LSE within the Academy is well led by the Head of Learning and Skills. Staff are enthusiastic and share a commitment to improving learning. Staff contribute a good range of relevant experience from schools, college teaching and lecturing, all of which benefits the learners. An improved staffing structure has recently been put in place. A number of key staff have recently been appointed. As a result it is too early to see specific examples of impact on learning.

7.4 Accommodation within the Academy 6, library and trades area is clean, bright and well resourced. The recently opened library is also well resourced with access to up to date legal texts and materials in other languages. The library offers a comfortable, positive and supportive learning environment. It is managed by a qualified librarian. ICT suites are well equipped. Computers and software are in line with learners' needs. Secure and restricted connectivity to the internet for certification purposes is in place. The range and quality of resources such as music equipment is very good. Gym areas are of a high standard and are well resourced. Gym staff were positive about the working conditions, level of resourcing and opportunities to enhance their skills set and qualifications through sports coaching and fitness courses. There was a very good level of resourcing within the workshops and materials were available in appropriate quantities. All staff working in the workshops had relevant industry recognised qualifications. Prisoner peer tutors are well trained and make an effective and valued contribution to the delivery of literacy and numeracy. Peer tutor posts have recently been designated as paid work positions.

7.5 In other prisons which have contracts with further education colleges, prisoners are taught by staff who increasingly possess the FE teacher's qualification ( TQFE). Addiewell should work towards a similar position. The trades area is small which limits numbers able to participate. There was a lack of space in some of the workshops which limited what could be done and how prisoner skills could be progressed. In the craft and design workshop it was difficult for the staff member to keep all prisoners gainfully involved given the size of the facility. There are no production workshed facilities.

Access to Learning, Skills and Employability Provision

7.6 During the inspection an average of 60% of prisoners were out of the houseblocks and engaged in constructive activity during the day. The remainder were locked in their cells. It is recommended that ways to engage more prisoners in constructive activities are found.

7.7 Opportunities for prisoners to access education are good. Prisoners are made aware of LSE provision as part of the induction on day one. Seventy per cent of available purposeful activity opportunities are taken up. Fourteen prisoners were actively engaged in Open University provision with good success rates. There was a total of 38 prisoners involved in trades related courses across each week. A further 20 participated in work parties for horticulture and painting and decorating. Over 280 prisoners had part-time or full-time jobs of various forms across the prison. Participation rates in REHIS and Microsoft Office Specialist ( MOS) are good.

7.8 Prisoners have very good access to first class gym facilities throughout the week and at weekends including an evening session each week. These activities are popular with prisoners and they attend regularly in high numbers. Between 280 and 300 prisoners, more than a third, attend the gym on at least one occasion each week. A good range of learning opportunities including creative activities such as music are on offer. All categories of prisoner including those on remand have access to learning opportunities. Vulnerable prisoners access a reduced education timetable within the residential wing mezzanine area. Prisoners can access their daily timetable via the kiosks. Individual timetables are in place for all prisoners who engage.

7.9 Prisoners have access to work related activity in plastering, joinery, craft and enterprise and hospitality. Work parties in horticulture and painting and decorating have been added recently. Courses within cleaning and food hygiene were being accredited, and there were plans in place to accredit more of the work related courses through the SQA skills for work and national progression awards routes. Improved links to external partners such as Motherwell College have resulted in improved literacy referrals to the local Adult Literacy and Numeracy ( ALN) team and wider college opportunities.

Assessment of Need

7.10 A range of effective methods are used to identify prisoner learning needs. All new prisoners attend an initial induction on day one, with the Activities Allocation team where learning and training opportunities are discussed and an individual learning programme agreed. An effective alerting tool developed 'in-house' helps identify literacy needs. Within workshops prisoners can access additional one to one support for both literacy and numeracy. Others are supported effectively by trained peer tutor prisoners within the same class. Wing tutors act as a contact point within the houseblocks. An effective referral system operates between health, activities and residential staff and gym staff to support prisoners with particular health and or physical needs.

7.11 Individual Learning Plans ( ILPs) and timetables are used effectively to help prisoners identify personal goals and to track their learning. Gym staff are aware of the need to target particular groups of prisoners such as the elderly and obese to be more physically active.

7.12 Literacy screening should take place earlier in the process to better inform learner programme design.

Delivery of Learning

7.13 Staff routinely plan and monitor the quality of provision and they are monitored against National Standards. Lessons are prepared in advance and outcomes shared with prisoners. There is regular refreshing of the curriculum on offer and prisoners' views are sought through focus groups. Contextualised learning was taking place across activities. Peer tutors effectively contributed to the delivery of learning. Prisoners taking on a positive role model actively promoted the value of education and learning to others.

Prisoner Learning Experiences

7.14 Prisoners participate effectively in a good range of learning experiences which include classes in ICT, art, mathematics, psychology and literacy. There is a positive climate to the learning in both classrooms and workshops. Staff were actively exploring how prisoners learning experiences could be improved upon and made more meaningful. Courses in debating and film and media studies were planned. A few staff had begun to identify for prisoners specific objectives that could be achieved in the course of each lesson. There was, however, scope for greater discussion with prisoners about the planned focus of each learning episode.


7.15 A range of additional support classes had been established to help prisoners progress to good effect. This focused appropriately on building prisoners' confidence to engage with aspects of literacy. Within art and joinery classes prisoners produced high quality attractive items which could be displayed in their cells or sent home to family or friends. Many of the prisoners were developing and discovering new skills and valued the sense of achievement they gained from this. There are good opportunities for progression and accreditation in computing classes. Thirty six prisoners have gained one or more certificates for single units and eight have completed the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Masters status. Prisoners are gaining important life skills through participating in classes such as Budgeting. Prisoners are clear about what they are learning and how it can be applied when they leave prison. Some prisoners have successfully produced business plans. An initiative with a private company had resulted in six prisoners successfully gaining employment prior to release.

7.16 A small but significant number of prisoners have been successful in achieving a range of awards through open learning opportunities. This helps to encourage prisoners to be more responsible and independent in organising and managing their learning. Plans were in place for prisoners to undertake fitness related qualifications and a few had already done so through their gym work. Such opportunities included weightlifting and football coaching courses.

7.17 Opportunities for formal accreditation are limited. A qualification development plan is actively addressing this issue. Some prisoners wanted more opportunities for practical skills based courses where they could acquire accreditation and vocational qualifications to help with their employability prospects on release. There is a need for more vocational progression opportunities particularly for Long-Term prisoners.

Ethos and Values

7.18 Across all learning venues good relationships exist between staff and prisoners. The climate is relaxed and purposeful in almost all workshops and classes. Prisoners were well focused on achieving their learning goals. Staff commented that they found the workshops to be a pleasant environment to work in, discipline was good and there was a level of mutual respect between prisoners and staff. Staff were more content with the new practical, informed and realistic leadership style within LSE. Academy staff share a strong and positive ethos. They are clear about the direction they are going in and have high aspirations for prisoner learning. The Head of Learning provides very good leadership to other staff and has successfully established a shared vision. Links between education and residential hall staff are good and supportive. No member of the gym staff had been absent from work since the establishment opened.

Quality Assurance

7.19 A more systematic approach to quality assurance and planning for improvement is at the early stages of being introduced. Staff have undertaken observations of prisoners learning experiences and the findings from this have been collated in a useful informative internal review report. An improvement plan with appropriately identified priorities has been established and staff are working together well to overtake targets and bring about improvements. This is an area of good practice.


7.20 A number of initiatives are planned and there have been many changes to the LSE arrangements over the past few months. In many respects, therefore, it is too early to say whether all of these new arrangements are working and the Inspectorate intends to re-inspect LSE at some stage next year.



Healthcare is provided to the same standard as in the community outside prison, available in response to need, with a full range of preventive services, promoting continuity with health services outside prison.

8.1 The provision of healthcare is basic and not delivered to the same standard as in the community. Access to healthcare services by prisoners has been erratic and record keeping is poor. There is no addictions throughcare in place.

Healthcare Admission Processes

8.2 All prisoners being admitted to, or transferred from, the prison undergo a healthcare assessment in a well-equipped healthcare room in reception. This involves a physical, mental health, addiction and risk of self-harm assessment. All prisoners have their urine tested for illicit substances.

8.3 Prisoners are given information about access to healthcare in the prison and all prisoners are asked if they have any health issues. However, healthcare information is not included in the induction process.

Physical Environment

8.4 The Health Centre (the Hopetoun Unit) is located on the top floor of the central block. It has a kitchen, an administration area, offices for the addictions team, the primary care team, the head of healthcare and a shared office for the Mental Health team and clinical manager. There are two consulting rooms used by the doctors and psychiatrists. There are also two treatment rooms, one of which is also used as a dental decontamination area. The use of this room as a dental decontamination area should stop given the risk of cross contamination.

8.5 The Health Centre also contains an area called the 'Intensive Support Unit'. This is not managed by the healthcare team. It consists of seven rooms and a recreation area. However, there is no admission criteria for prisoners located in these rooms and staff and prisoners spoken to were under the impression that this is an 'in patient' facility. The purpose of the Intensive Support Unit should be clarified.

8.6 A healthcare room and dispensary are located in each houseblock. These rooms are small and in need of some decoration.

Healthcare Team

8.7 The healthcare team comprises a Head of Health, a Clinical Manager, three Mental Health Nurses, seven Primary Care Nurses, one Addictions Nurse, one Addictions Team Leader, two Addictions Workers, four Healthcare Assistants, two Healthcare Administrators and one Pharmacy Assistant. There were two vacancies at the time of inspection - one for a Primary Care Nurse and one for an Addictions Nurse. These members of staff are split into three distinct teams: Primary Care, Mental Health and Addictions.

8.8 Although the skills mix is good, some staff had been in post for very short periods of time (Head of Health one day, Clinical Manager three weeks, Addictions Team Leader four weeks). Staff turnover had been 60% in the 18 months prior to the inspection and this had had a detrimental effect on services delivered. There had also been no training or development for healthcare staff and again this had impacted on services. However, the new Management Team appeared to be focused and was developing a vision for healthcare.

Healthcare Records

8.9 The condition of the healthcare records is poor. All records inspected had all of the paperwork inappropriately filed. The majority contained loose paperwork and recent paperwork of all varieties being placed in the front of the file instead of in the relevant section. It is recommended that healthcare records are properly maintained.

8.10 There is limited storage for healthcare records resulting in archived records being stored outwith the Health Centre. Healthcare staff cannot access these records after office hours. When a prisoner is admitted the nurse completes the healthcare record request form. However, this may not be placed on the file that day and the nurse completing it may not be on duty the following day to place it in the file. A complete healthcare history may not therefore be available to the Health Centre Administrator. Nursing staff should have access to healthcare records at all times.

Primary Healthcare

8.11 A basic primary healthcare service is being delivered. One nurse is trained to provide a Well Man clinic, which takes place on an ad hoc basis. NHS Lothian provides Hepatitis C clinics, also on an ad hoc basis.

8.12 Nursing cover is provided 24 hours a day. Medical cover is provided by a private company MEDACS. This consists of 42 hours each week, including weekends. On average, 20 patients are seen each day. Until a few weeks prior to the inspection the medical service was provided by locum doctors, which resulted in the service being delivered by a different doctor each day. The consequence of this was inconsistency in service delivery. The situation has since improved somewhat with one regular doctor covering three days each week. However, the other four days are still covered by locums. It is recommended that a more consistent service is provided by the doctors.

8.13 Waiting times to see the doctor are the same day for emergencies and usually two days for routine appointments.

8.14 A dentist and dental nurse provide a service 2.5 days a week. A dental hygienist attends three days a month. Dental records are maintained electronically by the dentist. The dental nurse coordinates the waiting list and appointment system. The waiting time to see the dentist is four weeks.

8.15 The dental suite is small and lacks necessary equipment. Decontamination is partly undertaken in a shared treatment room (see also paragraph 8.4). This should stop and an extra room should be created for dental decontamination. A washer disinfector and an ultrasonic bath should also be purchased.

8.16 The dentist operates the 'healthy mouth' programme which encourages patients to take an active role in their own oral hygiene. This is an area of good practice.

8.17 The optician attends one day a week and sees ten patients. There is no waiting list.

8.18 The podiatrist attends twice a month and sees eight patients. There is no waiting list.

8.19 There were 712 complaints in the year prior to the inspection, relating mainly to medications and access to the dentist. Timescales for dealing with these complaints have not been met but a new process has been put in place to address this.

Mental Health Services

8.20 Three full-time Mental Health Nurses are in post. All three are Registered Mental Health Nurses but none is qualified in learning disability. Consideration should be given to recruiting a Learning Disability Nurse.

8.21 There has been high staff turnover and the team is only now able to start developing a dedicated mental health service. Previously, nurses were becoming involved in other services to the detriment of mental health provision.

8.22 A monthly Multidisciplinary Mental Health Team Meeting is chaired by a Mental Health Nurse. It is attended by psychiatry, the Mental Health Team, chaplaincy, social work, addictions and psychology staff. This meeting should be chaired by a senior non-clinical person.

8.23 A Mental Health Team meeting is held every two weeks.

8.24 Medical provision for mental health is provided by two psychiatrists from the State Hospital at Carstairs. They provide sessions on two days each week and see an average of 7-10 patients each day.

8.25 One of the Addictions Nurses is trained in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and prisoners can self refer for this service.

8.26 Three prisoners were transferred in the year prior to inspection under the Mental Health Care and Treatment (Scotland) Act 2003 to an NHS facility.

Other Services

8.27 There are no Chronic Disease Management Clinics in place due to a lack of training and development of staff. There is no health promotion across the prison. Similarly there is no Infection Control Policy due to a lack of staff training . It is recommended that an Infection Control Policy is introduced as a matter of urgency.

Pharmacy and Medication

8.28 The pharmacy service is provided by Boots UK. Medication is ordered and delivered on the same day. A pharmacist visits weekly to support the management of medication and a full-time pharmacy assistant coordinates the pharmaceutical service.

8.29 All medications are administered in the houseblocks. At the time of inspection approximately half the prisoner population were receiving some form of medication with a high percentage supervised to minimise the risk of them abusing it. One hundred and fifty prisoners were receiving methadone. Medicines are stored and administered in accordance with current legislation.

8.30 Nursing staff can administer medications through Patient Group Directions 7. There are 30 in place. This is an area of good practice.


8.31 The addiction team comprises a Team Leader who had been in post for four weeks at the time of inspection, two addictions nurses and three addictions workers. There was a vacancy for an addictions nurse.

8.32 An addictions strategy is in place and the majority of work is focused on drugs.

8.33 Very little one-to-one work and throughcare is available. There is also very little partnership working which does not lead to good throughcare. A robust addictions throughcare process should be put in place.

8.34 All admissions into the prison and transfers from it are tested for illicit substances. During the inspection 150 prisoners were maintained on methadone (21% of the population - which is similar to the average across SPS establishments). Only nine prisoners were on a reducing prescription, which is disappointing.

8.35 Forty one per cent of prisoners test positive for illegal drugs on admission to the prison. Nineteen per cent test positive on liberation, which is below average.


8.36 Given the serious concerns relating to the provision of healthcare the Inspectorate intends to re-inspect this area next year to ensure that suitable standards have been achieved.



Appropriate steps are taken to ensure that prisoners are reintegrated safely into the community and where possible into a situation less likely to lead to further crime.

9.1 Integrated Case Management is operating to a good standard. There are a number of offending behaviour programmes available, some of which have been developed by Addiewell. Excellent links have been developed with community based organisations with a view to helping prisoners reintegrate back into the community on release and reduce the risk of reoffending.

Integrated Case Management

9.2 Integrated Case Management operates in Addiewell at Standard and Enhanced levels. Standard procedures allow for prisoners serving four years or less to have their needs assessed through the core screen process. This is completed by the activities allocation team who then develop a Community Integration Plan which takes account of activity and learning needs. The enhanced procedures follow the same core screen process but also allow for all prisoners serving sentences over four years and all statutory offenders to participate in multi-disciplinary meetings to review risk and needs and develop strategies to reduce the risk of re-offending and risk of harm on release.

9.3 Assessments are generally completed within timescales. This is impressive given the comparative inexperience of staff and the challenge presented when around 40% of the population are statutory cases (in the region of 290 prisoners).

9.4 There is an average of 24 case conferences per month. One hundred and seventy case conferences have been held since April 2010. Two unit managers (who are based in the houseblocks) manage a dedicated team of five PCOs and three administrative assistants who ensure that the establishment meets its target for case conference timescales. There is a 100% record of attendance by Community Based Social Workers ( CBSW) at case conferences and this is an excellent achievement.

9.5 Although there have been 41 wing PCOs trained as Personal Officers the scheme is in its infancy. There is an obvious lack of expertise in this area of work among staff on the wings, particularly in understanding the role that needs to be discharged with statutory cases.

9.6 Case conferences are chaired by a PCO and there is good attendance by CBSW who have been in attendance in all of the conferences held so far (see paragraph 9.4). Families are also encouraged to attend and there was good evidence of this happening. The prison takes an holistic approach to family contact and involvement and practices such as the family induction event (see paragraph 5.13) are helpful in maintaining ties. Explanatory letters are also sent out to family members in advance of a case conference taking place. These types of interactions are an area of good practice which result in a higher than average attendance rate at case conferences of between 18 to 26%.

9.7 The PCOs who manage the ICM process have all been trained as ICM assessors and case conference chairs. They complete risk assessments in partnership with prison based social workers ( PBSW) and there is good cooperation between all of the different agencies who contribute to the ICM process.

9.8 The ICM case conference that was observed was well managed and the team made sound, objective judgements based on the comprehensive information that was available to them, including the Trial Judge's report. However there was little knowledge amongst the team about progression and in particular the opportunities and challenges that face prisoners once they have progressed to open conditions.

9.9 There is not a good record in inviting specialists to attend case conferences. In the case that was observed it would have been useful to have a Health Centre representative attend. Specialists should be asked to attend ICM case conferences as appropriate to the circumstances under review.

9.10 There is a close link between ICM, the establishment Risk Management Group ( RMG) and the Multi Disciplinary Progression Management Group ( MDPMG). The MDPMG assesses prisoners for transfer to National Top Ends or to the Open Estate.

Risk Management Group

9.11 The Risk Management Group ( RMG) sits monthly and is aligned to the ICM process. Multi disciplinary working has resulted in some innovative ideas being introduced, for instance the development of one-to-one work in relation to domestic violence.

9.12 Referrals to the RMG include those with persistent challenging behaviour, prisoners subject to Orders for Lifelong Restriction ( OLRs; see paragraphs 9.20-9.22), longer term Rule 94 cases and prisoners subject to Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements ( MAPPA: see paragraphs 9.16-9.19) cases.

9.13 At the time of inspection there were three prisoners held under OLRs. The establishment effectively meets its commitment to MAPPA.

9.14 The identification and management of risk in response to various policy imperatives is operating well and there is effective monitoring of the processes in place. Multi disciplinary working is well embedded.

9.15 A sample checked on PR2 confirmed that ICM documentation is logged appropriately. Although accompanying risk assessments are completed appropriately, they are not always being recorded on PR2.

Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements

9.16 Sections 10 & 11 of the Management of Offenders etc (Scotland) Act 2005 require the police, local authorities, the NHS (for restricted patients) and the SPS to establish joint arrangements for the assessment and management of risk posed by violent and sexual offenders. Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements ( MAPPA) is a co-ordinated multi-agency approach to the management of this group of offenders in the community who pose a risk of serious harm to others. MAPPA's fundamental purpose is public safety and the reduction of serious harm.

9.17 Three categories of ' MAPPA offender' have been defined to focus risk management:

Category 1 - Registered sex offenders for the period of their registration.

Category 2 - Violent and other sex offenders imprisoned for 12 months and over. (The full definition is more complex and includes those detained under hospital and guardianship orders). Individuals usually exit MAPPA when statutory supervision ceases.

Category 3 - Other offenders who have been convicted of a crime which indicates that he or she is capable of causing serious harm to the public and the 'Responsible Authority' reasonably considers that this a potential outcome.

9.18 At the time of the inspection, the prison held 20 prisoners subject to MAPPA who are managed through the ICM process. A representative from the prison attends all MAPPA level 2 and 3 8 meetings in the community and staff report very good relationships with the Lanarkshire MAPPA co-ordinator. The prison is represented on the MAPPA steering group. Prisoners are subject to a multidisciplinary case conference no later than three months prior to their release to ensure that all community partners have contributed to, and are aware of the prisoner's post release supervision arrangements .

9.19 Staff involved in managing MAPPA prisoners felt that the standard three months pre-release period is insufficient time to deal with the often complex arrangements for these prisoners. The Inspectorate agrees and once again draws attention to the need for a review of timescales and for MAPPA interventions to begin pre-release.

Orders of Lifelong Restriction

9.20 The Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 introduced new provisions for the sentencing and treatment of serious violent and sex offenders. The Order of Lifelong Restriction ( OLR) provides for the lifelong supervision of such offenders and focuses on intensive supervision. The OLR is designed to ensure that offenders, after having served an adequate period in prison to meet the requirements of punishment, do not present a risk to public safety once they are released into the community. The period spent in the community is an integral part of the sentence which lasts for the duration of the offender's life. The purpose of each OLR is to ensure that in relation to serious offenders responsible for significant acts of a violent or sexual nature, there will be a reduction in re-offending and greater protection offered to the general public.

9.21 Addiewell held three OLRs at the time of the inspection. The prisoners are managed through the Integrated Case Management ( ICM) and Risk Management Group ( RMG) processes and each is case-managed by a psychologist. A senior Prison Custody Officer is also allocated to each OLR prisoner to ensure continuity of approach. Multidisciplinary case conferences are held at least bi-monthly and Unit Managers also meet the prisoners on a regular basis. Staff report excellent collaborative support from both the SPS and from the Risk Management Authority ( RMA).

9.22 In addition to three OLRs, the prison also held one prisoner subject to an English sentence of Imprisonment for Public Protection ( IPP). IPPs are for those offenders whose crimes are not serious enough to merit a normal Life Sentence but who are judged to be a danger to the public and therefore not eligible for release until the Parole Board decides they no longer represent a risk. The IPP prisoner remains under the jurisdiction of the Parole Board for England and Wales. Locally, the same management arrangements are in place as for prisoners subject to parole.


9.23 The Parole Team comprises four administrators and two managers who co-ordinate the casework for 230 prisoners. The managers, who are also trained as Lifer Liaison Officers, have other duties in addition to parole. The process for identifying parole eligible prisoners and for calculating their critical dates is sound. There are plans to provide all prisoners with individualised information via the kiosks on their parole qualifying dates as well as other related sentence management information and this is an excellent initiative.

9.24 Unit managers prepare parole dossiers on the basis of data obtained from the ICM files and from input provided by a range of staff directly involved with the prisoners. A quality check is then undertaken on each dossier by the Head of Residential before it is finally submitted to the Parole Board. From very low timescale compliance levels, the prison now submits all reports on time. This improvement is due to the team's growing experience and confidence.

9.25 Parole cases are presented at Tribunals by the Unit Managers whose experience is still comparatively limited .We were concerned to be informed that the Victims, Witnesses, Parole and Lifer Section of the Scottish Government had not invariably provided a representative to support the Unit Managers, even when specifically requested to do so in potentially contentious cases.

9.26 At the time of the inspection, the prison's Personal Officer scheme was very much in its infancy. A number of staff had been trained in a basic Personal Officer role which if further developed, has the potential to make a qualitative contribution to parole reporting.

Home Detention Curfew

9.27 During November 2010 there were 32 prisoners on Home Detention Curfew ( HDC).

9.28 The system for identifying prisoners who are eligible for HDC is robust and fair. Good communication seems to be the key as prisoners are kept informed about every step of the process. As a result there are very few complaints about delays or decisions that arise from the process.

9.29 The process is administered between the HDC clerk and the Controllers who are the decision makers for release or non release. The Controllers also deal with HDC breaches and both have a role in deciding on appeals against decisions. Although these would usually sit with the ICC in a public prison there was good evidence to suggest that the system operated in Addiewell is robust and objective. The approval rates for HDC are, on average (over six months), 55% approval of all applications (prior to statutory exclusions). During the six months prior to the inspection 19 appeals were lodged, four of which were upheld.

9.30 When a prisoner is granted HDC a great deal of effort is put into preparing him for the responsibilities attached to the scheme - this includes an information booklet for families, prepared in collaboration with Families Outside. Attention is also paid to issues such as addictions, employment and housing.

9.31 As Addiewell has a high proportion of prisoners (78%) from the Lanarkshire areas there is a quarterly meeting with Lanarkshire Social Work Department and the prison regarding the management of the HDC process. This is an area of good practice.

Interventions to Address Offending Behaviour

9.32 The programmes team comprises six PCOs, one Unit Manager and two psychologists. The PCOs are trained in groupwork skills. All officers delivering programmes complete the same training as SPS programmes staff.

9.33 The rooms available for delivering programmes are well equipped, but there are issues with privacy. The windows are not covered when classes are taking place and inspectors observed other prisoners distracting participants taking part in classes. Charts and flipchart comments were also left on the walls after classes had finished. These issues should be addressed.

9.34 Assessment for participation in programmes is robust and tries to achieve a balance between a prisoner's critical dates and his risk and needs. There are six areas of referral: self, core screen, ICM, Risk and Needs, PCOs and RMG. Once prisoners have been prioritised they will be assessed (if they agree to this). Assessment takes account of Earliest Date of Liberation ( EDL), Parole Qualifying Date ( PQD), parole recommendations and motivation to attend. A file review and generic programme assessment then take place. A Programmes Case Management Board ( PCMB) comprising a range of functions include psychology, social work and addictions meets to discuss individual needs. A selection panel then meets to check on the suitability of the prisoner in terms of the group mix and timing of participation. A mental health check, security check and assessment of literacy also take place.

9.35 Prisoners are encouraged to engage. If they refuse initially they will be followed up later: i.e. prisoners would be 'parked' on the system and reviewed at an appropriate time.

9.36 A number of programmes are available:

Constructs is a general offending behaviour programme designed for use in the community and in prison. It is a cognitive behavioural based programme aimed at reducing reoffending. It involves two to three sessions a week, with 28 sessions in total.

Controlling Anger Regulating Emotions ( CARE) is an intensive, cognitive behavioural programme, aimed at medium to high risk prisoners whose offending behaviour is linked to substance misuse. It involves two to three sessions a week, with 25 sessions in total.

Control of Violence for Angry and Impulsive Drinkers ( COVAID) is a community based programme run by Addiewell. It is designed to reduce aggression and violence by tackling anger, impulsivity and drinking. It is targeted at prisoners who present a medium risk of re-offending. The programme consists of ten sessions (of approximately two hours each) which can take place one to three sessions a week for approximately four to five weeks.

Managing My Substance Misuse ( MMSU) is also unique to Addiewell and is aimed at giving participants an understanding of how to manage their substance use. It aims to give prisoners an insight into the link between a relapse model, lifestyle and re-offending. It is targeted at prisoners sentenced to at least nine months, who show evidence of substance related offending and who present a medium to high risk of re-offending. The programme lasts approximately 17 weeks.

Alcohol Awareness aims to assess prisoners' knowledge of alcohol, inform them of the recommended safe levels of alcohol use and look at the harmful effect on the body caused by excessive drinking. The programme consists of eight 2_-3 hour sessions lasting approximately two weeks.

GOALS is a five session (one week) motivational programme which looks at targets and goals that prisoners can achieve.

The prison has also run Can you hear the Bigots Sing? and plans to run Show Racism the Red Card. The prison also runs the Iona community anti-sectarianism programme.

9.37 From 1 st January 2010 to time of inspection the programmes were run as follows.

Completed programmes

No. Completions

No. deselected during programme

















Alcohol Awareness








Anti Sectarian








9.38 One hundred and seventy nine assessments have been carried out of which 35 were for their Programmes Case Management Board and 22 were awaiting the selection panel.

9.39 Overall, very good systems are in place for the assessment of prisoners to participate in programmes. The prison is not driven or constricted by targets, and it is very encouraging that the programmes team is willing to develop and run a number of programmes not available in SPS establishments.

Community Partnerships

9.40 Addiewell has developed excellent links with the local community and community groups in the short time it has been open.

9.41 The Director or Deputy Director meets with the local community every couple of months to discuss local issues. The prison is also a member of the West Lothian, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire Community Safety Partnerships and the Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership. Strong links have been developed with the Lanarkshire Community Justice Authority. A range of other partnerships have also been developed including membership of the West Lothian Criminal Justice Group.

9.42 The prison has worked with West Lothian Council to produce a bus timetable to suit visiting times. This is an area of good practice.

9.43 The prison works closely with Routes Out of Prison ( ROOP) 9. ROOP provides a Life Coach who supports partner agencies within the prison and externally (see paragraph 9.53 for more details).

9.44 'Circle' 10 manages a family support worker to support prisoners with children affected by parental drug and/or alcohol use prior to their release. 'Families Outside' and the Citizen's Advice Bureau are also very active in the prison, and along with 'Circle' provide an input to the Family Induction Session.

9.45 Addiewell's links with the community are clearly seen in their focus on housing issues. A full-time housing coordinator operates from the Links Centre. This post was funded by the Lanarkshire CJA in November 2009 to address the housing needs for prisoners with local connections to North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire and West Lothian. At the time of inspection, the housing officer was unable to meet the volume of demand. This has much to do with the fact that the post lay vacant for a year. The new post holder then had, and continues to have, a significant backlog. The Inspectorate was advised that although the housing officer is able to provide a good service for prisoners being released to West Lothian and Lanarkshire, it is not so good for elsewhere.

9.46 As discussed elsewhere in this report (paragraphs 3.5) the prison also pays for a full-time Police Liaison Officer post to provide a link between the prison, the police and the procurator fiscal service, as well as providing information to help reduce re-offending.

9.47 Overall, the prison has developed excellent links with community groups, with a focus on helping the prisoner reintegrate back into the local communities which the prison serves. Despite the excellent work being carried out, the prison still attracts much negative media publicity although this does not prevent it from delivering its key strategies and interventions.

Preparation for Release

9.48 Staff responsible for pre-release preparation are clear that "pre-release begins on admission". Each prisoner undertakes a core screening process on reception to the prison during which individual data and basic needs are identified and recorded electronically. Work and educational needs are subsequently picked up by the Activities Allocation staff who then prepare individual timetables for each prisoner according to his needs.

9.49 The prison aims to address as many outstanding problems as is practicable for short term prisoners during their sentence. More time is available to work with long-term prisoners and a more comprehensive approach is taken to their needs through the ICM process. All long-term prisoners undertake a pre-release case conference at which any licence or supervision conditions are reviewed and community reintegration plans finalised. Addiewell has good links with local community partners (see paragraphs 9.42-9.49) and this is reflected in the range of advice and support on offer to prisoners. There is no pre-release course currently available to prisoners but we were informed that a Life Skills programme is on the agenda.

9.50 Inspectors were particularly impressed with the Routes out of Prison 'Prison Life Coach' initiative. Prison Life Coaches are ex-offenders who provide pre and post release support to prisoners who may find the transition between custody and the community particularly difficult. The coaches provide emotional and practical support and will accompany prisoners to community appointments and help them to navigate the complexities of 'life outside'. This is particularly valuable for those prisoners who are completing long sentences.

9.51 Whenever they can, staff will involve prisoners' families in the pre-release process in the hope of optimising the chances of successful reintegration.


10.1 The electronic kiosk system (paragraph 2.12).

10.2 The investment in technology, front end searching procedures and comprehensive searching policies and practice to ensure the prison is safe and secure (paragraph 3.5).

10.3 All prisoners arriving at Addiewell from court or from another prison receive a hot meal (paragraph 3.16).

10.4 Staff in reception take great care over prisoners who do not speak English, vulnerable prisoners and prisoners with health issues (paragraph 3.22).

10.5 The Connexions Workers (paragraph 3.35).

10.6 The operation of the First Night in Custody Centre (paragraph 3.36).

10.7 The arrangements for non-English speaking prisoners during the induction process (paragraph 3.40).

10.8 All cells are designed to a 'safer cell' standard (paragraph 3.54).

10.9 All new recruits receive training in child protection (paragraph 3.62).

10.10 The prison is very proactive in routinely providing training for staff with regard to taking up new posts and on promotion (paragraph 3.64).

10.11 All of the initiatives taken to ensure that good family contact is encouraged and maintained (paragraph 5.4).

10.12 Two solicitors from the Scottish Legal Aid Board hold surgeries in the prison twice a month to help prisoners with civil cases (paragraph 6.3).

10.13 The dentist operates the 'healthy mouth' programme (paragraph 8.16).

10.14 Nursing staff can administer medications through Patient Group Directions (paragraph 8.30).

10.15 The approach taken to involve families in Integrated Case Management case conferences (paragraph 9.6).

10.16 A quarterly meeting takes place between the prison and Lanarkshire Social Work Department regarding the management of the Home Detention Curfew process (paragraph 9.31).

10.17 The prisons worked with West Lothian Council to develop a bus timetable to suit prison visiting times (paragraph 9.42).



11.1 Drug and alcohol testing should be introduced for staff in SPS prisons (paragraph 3.5).

11.2 Standards of security and technical systems to address smuggling similar to those in Addiewell should be introduced to all closed establishments (paragraph 3.7).

For the Establishment

11.3 The prison should examine the reasons for the high number of prisoner-on-staff assaults (paragraph 3.4).

11.4 ACT2Care refresher training should be provided to all staff (paragraph 3.51).

11.5 The prison should collaborate with partner agencies to provide a Visitors Centre (paragraph 5.5).

11.6 Ways to engage more prisoners in constructive activities should be found (paragraph 7.6).

11.7 Healthcare records should be properly maintained (paragraph 8.9).

11.8 A more consistent service should be provided by the doctors (paragraph 8.12).

11.9 An Infection Control Policy should be introduced (paragraph 8.27).

For the Scottish Court Service

11.10 CCTV should be fitted to all court cells in Hamilton Sheriff Court and Airdrie Sheriff Court (paragraphs 4.12 and 4.22).


For the Scottish Government

12.1 A review should take place of MAPPA timescales and MAPPA interventions should begin pre-release (paragraph 9.19).

12.2 The Victims, Witnesses, Parole and Lifer Section of the Scottish Government should provide a representative to support Unit Managers at Parole Tribunals (paragraph 9.25).

For the Establishment

12.3 The policy on the content of posters and where they are placed in cells should be enforced (paragraph 2.4).

12.4 Provision for recreation should be improved, particularly at the weekend (paragraph 2.8).

12.5 Senior managers should taste the food in the houseblocks (paragraph 2.14).

12.6 Effective arrangements for drying prisoners clothes should be found (paragraph 2.22).

12.7 An adequate supply of towels should be readily available to all prisoners (paragraph 2.22).

12.8 Staff should become more involved in the laundry arrangements (paragraph 2.22).

12.9 The prison should consider installing a central laundry (paragraph 2.22).

12.10 Notices in a range of foreign languages should be on display in reception holding rooms and information should be readily available to all foreign language prisoners who do not understand English (paragraph 3.20).

12.11 All prisoners being admitted to the prison should be required to sit on the BOSS chair (paragraph 3.21).

12.12 Listeners should be redeployed in reception to provide support to new admissions (paragraph 3.31).

12.13 A review of the Listeners Scheme should be carried out and better support provided to Listeners to ensure that they are able to contribute effectively within the prison (paragraph 3.53).

12.14 The frequency of rub down searching should be improved (paragraph 4.39).

12.15 Adequate time should be provided to carry out searches before prisoners move from one part of the prison to another (paragraph 4.39).

12.16 Consideration should be given to providing all doors in the Separation and Care Unit with hatches as an aid to risk management for staff (paragraph 6.29).

12.17 A review of the files in the Separation and Care Unit should be undertaken and all relevant information and background details routinely included in them (paragraph 6.34).

12.18 Shift handover information in the Separation and Care Unit should be detailed and readily accessible (paragraph 6.34).

12.19 Staff working in the Separation and Care Unit should receive specific training in the issues connected with managing and monitoring prisoners who are held out of association for sometimes extended periods (paragraph 6.35).

12.20 The prison should work towards a position where all staff working in LSE hold relevant teaching qualifications (paragraph 7.5).

12.21 Space in the workshops should be increased (paragraph 7.5).

12.22 Production worksheds should be introduced (paragraph 7.5).

12.23 Literacy screening should take place earlier in the process to better inform learner programme design (paragraph 7.12).

12.24 More vocational progression opportunities should be available, particularly for Long-Term prisoners (paragraph 7.17).

12.25 Details about healthcare should be included in the induction process (paragraph 8.3).

12.26 The use of one of the medical treatment rooms as a dental decontamination area should stop and a washer disinfector and ultrasonic bath should be purchased (paragraphs 8.4 and 8.15).

12.27 The purpose of the Intensive Support Unit should be clarified (paragraph 8.5).

12.28 The healthcare rooms and dispensaries in the houseblocks should be re-decorated (paragraph 8.6).

12.29 Nursing staff should have access to healthcare records at all times (paragraph 8.10).

12.30 Consideration should be given to recruiting a Learning Disability Nurse (paragraph 8.20).

12.31 The Multi Disciplinary Mental Health Team meeting should be chaired by a senior non-clinical person (paragraph 8.22).

12.32 Chronic Disease Management clinics should take place (paragraph 8.27).

12.33 Health promotion should take place across the prison (paragraph 8.27).

12.34 A robust addictions throughcare process should be put in place (paragraph 8.33).

12.35 The Integrated Case Management Team should increase their knowledge about progression and in particular the opportunities and challenges that face prisoners once they have progressed to open conditions (paragraph 9.8).

12.36 Specialists should be asked to attend Integrated Case Management Case Conferences as appropriate to the circumstances under review (paragraph 9.9).

12.37 Risk assessments which accompany ICM documentation should always be recorded on PR2 (paragraph 9.15).

12.38 Prisoners undertaking interventions to address offending behaviour should not be distracted by other prisoners during the sessions (paragraph 9.33).

12.39 Charts and flipcharts should be removed from the programmes rooms when interventions to address offending behaviour sessions have finished (paragraph 9.33).

For the Scottish Court Service

12.40 Graffiti should be removed from the cells and damaged plaster repaired in Hamilton Sheriff Court and Airdrie Sheriff Court (paragraphs 4.11 and 4.23).

12.41 Appropriate hand washing facilities should be available in the cells areas in Hamilton Sheriff Court and Airdrie Sheriff Court (paragraphs 4.13 and 4.24).

For the Escort Contractor

12.42 The safety message on escort vehicles should always be played, and heard (paragraph 3.14).

12.43 Prisoners should be transferred from court to the prison as quickly as possible (paragraph 3.15).


Written material and statistics received from the prison prior to the Inspection

Director's briefing

SPS Prisoner Survey

Prison Records

Prison background material

Discussions with prisoners

Discussions with prisoners' families

Focus groups with prisoners

Interviews with prisoners

Interviews with prison staff

Focus groups with staff



Hugh Monro

HM Chief Inspector

Kate Donegan

Deputy Chief Inspector

David McAllister

Assistant Chief Inspector

Mick Armstrong


Adrian Clark

Associate Inspector

Sandra Hands

Associate Healthcare Inspector

Stewart Maxwell

Education Adviser

Donnie MacLeod

Education Adviser

Sheila Brown

Education Adviser